1863, 2¢ black, o.g., never hinged, well centered single with exceptional freshness. strong color and crisp impression, Very Fine, a choice stamp, rarely encountered in never hinged condition; with 2006 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 73 $375 for hinged.
Realized: $675

1863, 2¢ black, right margin single, o.g., lightly hinged, choice centering amid large well balanced margins, strong color and impression, Extremely Fine, a choice 2¢ Blackjack issue; with 2011 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 73 $375.
Realized: $650

1863, 2¢ black, o.g., very lightly hinged, choice centering, rich deep color, Extremely Fine, a lovely mint Blackjack. Scott No. 73 $375.

1863, 2¢ black, o.g., lightly hinged, well centered, strong color on bright fresh paper, Very Fine and choice; with 2011 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 73 $375.
Realized: $300

1863, 2¢ black, block of 4, o.g., top right stamp hinged, others very lightly hinged, exceptional overall centering, strong color on fresh bright paper, strong intact perforation throughout, Very Fine and choice, a wonderful mint 2¢ Blackjack multiple. Scott No. 73 $4,000.

Lot 1735 o
1863, 2¢ black, full socked-on-the-nose strike of red 5-Point Star in Circle cancel, rich color, a Very Fine and choice strike; with 2012 P.S.E. certificate.Scott No. 73 $105.
Realized: $350

Lot 1736 o
1863, 2¢ black, Cincinnati, O. blue town cancel, choice centering amid large margins, strong color and sharp impression, Extremely Fine, a lovely colored canceled 2¢ Blackjack; with 2004 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 73 $80.
Realized: $290

Lot 1737 o
1863, 5¢ brown, light grid cancel, precision centering amid uncommonly large and evenly balanced margins, strong bright color and crisp detailed impression, Extremely Fine to Superb, a gorgeous used example of the 1863 5¢ Brown issue; with 2013 P.S.A.G. Graded certificate (95, SSV $1,300).Scott No. 76 $120.
Realized: $850

Lot 1738 o
1863, 5¢ dark brown, target cancel, deep color, well centered with nicely balanced margins, Extremely Fine; with 2003 and 2010 P.F. certificates.Scott No. 76 $130.
Realized: $150

Lot 1739 o
1863, 24¢ lilac, segmented cork cancel, precision centering amid large beautifully balanced margins, rich deep lilac color showing a hint of violet shade, Superb, a marvelous used example of the 1863 24¢ Lilac issue; with 2012 P.F. and 2013 P.S.A.G. certificates, the later Graded (98, SSV $7,000).Scott No. 78 $350.
Realized: $2,000