"Clubs", bold strike duplexed with "Boston Mass. Aug 19" cds ties 1861, 3¢ rose on neat circa 1865 cover to New York City, Very Fine, This cancel was part of the four card suits used at Boston. Scott No. 65. Skinner-Eno No. PP-C 5 Estimate $150 - 200.

Cross in Circle, neat strike with "New York Jun 24" ties 1868, 3¢ red, F. grill, exceptionally well centered within large margins, on City of New York Comptrollers Office all-over shaded advertising cover to the Secretary of State in Albany, N.Y.; barely reduced at left, Extremely Fine and attractive usage, This cancel design is a slightly different than the Skinner tracing., ex-Beane. Scott No. 94. Skinner-Eno No. CM 14 var. Estimate $200 - 300.

Cross Within Wreath, bold strike duplexed with "Shed's Corners N.Y. Jan 13" cds ties 1870, 3¢ green, trivial corner crease, on cover addressed to Canastota N.Y.; slightly reduced at right, Very Fine and scarce fancy cancel, ex-Bitgood. Cole No. CSC-7. Scott No. 147 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $280

Double Star, perfect strike duplexed with fancy "Gertrude, California, Oct 6, 1886" dcds (FRE-2440) that ties 1883, 2¢ red brown on cover to Pasadena, Cal., an Extremely Fine and remarkable strike, ex-Beane. Scott No. 210. Cole No. STG-7 Estimate $100 - 150.

Fancy Geometric, crisp bold strike ties 1861, 3¢ rose on clean 1864 cover to Belfast, Me., matching "Cambridgeport Ms 18 Jul '64" dcds; reduced slightly at left, Extremely Fine, ex-Beane. Scott No. 65. Skinner-Eno No. GE-P 33 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Fancy Negative "W" in Geometric, natural s.e. at left, clear strike cancels 1863, 2¢ black on yellow cover with part-printed address to Lee, Mass., matching partial "Westborough Ms. May 17" cds; minor perf toning, Very Fine. Scott No. 73. Skinner-Eno No. LS-W unlisted Estimate $100 - 150.

Incised Star Within Star, sharp strike cancels 1861, 3¢ rose, some short perfs, on cover to Seymour Conn., matching "Oak Hill N.Y. Oct 8" balloon style cds, original 1866 enclosure; partial flap, a Very Fine strike, Oak Hill is not listed in Skinner-Eno. Skinner-Eno No. ST-St 15 var. Estimate $100 - 150.

Lot 1326 o
"Jan", clear bold and complete strike ties 1869, 3¢ ultramarine on small piece, fresh and Very Fine strike, ex-Skinner. Scott No. 114.Skinner-Eno No. ND-M unlisted Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $115

"JMD", neat bold strike duplexed with "Red Bank N.J. Sep 13" cds ties 1870, 3¢ green on orange cover to Mays Landing, N.J., docketed "Sept. 17 '72" on reverse; reduced slightly at right, Very Fine, This cancel is unlisted in both Cole and Whitfield. This is the only recorded example of this cancellation on cover. Scott No. 147 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400

Lot 1328 o
Keyhole, of Pottsville, Pa., bold strike on 1870, 24¢ purple, rich color; minute unnoticeable tear at top left, Fine and rare cancel., This is the only recorded strike on the 24¢ value. There is only one recorded cover bearing this cancel dated August 1, 1871.; with 2011 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 153.Whitfield No. 1116 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $900