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Sale 55: United States Postal History

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Exposition & Fair Covers - 1901 Pan-Am Exposition (Illustrated Covers)

Lots 1251-1260 Lots 1261-1265

Lot 1261    

1901 Pan-American Exposition Ad, G. Elias & Bros. lumber company gray design showing Indian pointing to where expo being held, bearing 1901, 2¢ Pan-American tied by "Buffalo, N.Y. Jun 4 '01" machine cancel with "Pan American Exposition" slogan to local address; small scuff in address, F.-V.F. Scott No. 295.
Bomar No. B01-15C    Estimate $100 - 150.

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Lot 1262    

1901 Pan-American Exposition, Electric Building Ad, dramatic negative design in black on cover bearing 1901, 1¢ Pan-American tied by Buffalo N.Y. machine cancel to Saughlintown Pa.; some faults, F.-V.F., a rare design.
Scott No. 294    Estimate $100 - 150.

Realized: $70

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Lot 1263    

1901 Pan-American Exposition Map, illustrated advertising card from the Brantford Apartments, franked with 1¢ Pan-American tied by scarce 1901 Buffalo, N.Y. Expo postmark, couple corner faults, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 294.
Bomar No. B01-16C    Estimate $100 - 150.

Realized: $70

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Lot 1264    

1901 Pan-American Exposition Ad, multicolor design showing Buffalo atop Globe on cover bearing 1901, 5¢ Pan-American tied by "Buffalo N.Y. Jun 4 1901" machine cancel to Weymouth, England; some flaws, Fine.
Scott No. 297    Estimate $75 - 100.

Realized: $110

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Lot 1265    

1901 Pan-American Exposition, multicolor Electric Tower Beam Exposition cover bearing 1901, 1¢ Pan-American vertical pair, tied by Buffalo N.Y. Jul 8 1901 Expo. machine cancel to New Haven Conn.; reduced at left with corner fault, F.-V.F. Scott No. 294.
Bomar No. B01-07    Estimate $100 - 150.

Realized: $75

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Lots 1251-1260 Lots 1261-1265

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