Advertising Cover Balance, 1860-90's, six covers; includes 1870's (Carriage) Baker & Hamilton showing The "Sweepstake" Spring Wagon, 1860's (Charity) Children's Aid Society cameo corner card, 1890's (Publications - Newspaper) The Yankee Blade illustrated corner card showing Gentlemen Portrait, 1890's (Medical - Medicines) Howard Bros., Pettit's Pile Remedy illustrated design showing Company Trademark, 1870's (Sport - Sledding) Crosby, Sahler & Co. illustrated corner card showing The Ulster Sled and 1890's (Music) Model Music Store red corner card ad for various contemporary music, Very Fine overall. Scott No. U83 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100
Cameo Corner Card Covers, 8 covers, from stampless to 1861 issue frankings; cameos including "Bay State House, W. Clifford & Co. Proprietors, Worcester, Mass." in red, "Broadwaty Hotel Joseph H. Cromwell, Cincinnati, O.", "Foster House, Chicago, Ill. M.H. Baxter, Proprietor", "Harding & Fitch, Real Estate & Stock Brokers, Chicago, Ill.", "Louisville Hotel, Kean, Stedman & Co.", "Metropolitan Hotel, Broadway New York", "Rischmueller & Loescher General Commission & Banking Business New York" on stampless to Germany and "Robt. Clarke & Co., Law Publishers, Cincinnati, O."; some flaws, F.-V.F. overall. Scott No. 26 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $270
Cycle Related Ad Covers, group of 7 covers, 4 illustrated including 1897 Lovell Cycles, 1928 Indian Cycle Agency airmail cover showing Indian Motorcycle on front and reverse, etc.; condition mixed, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $200
Grocery Related Advertising Covers, group of approximately 165 covers, some illustrated; includes King Ozark with multicolored trademark logo, fancy 1898 H.L. Griffin Co. corner cover franked with 2¢ Trans-Miss, an assortment of Proctor & Gamble corner card covers showing trademark, etc.; condition mixed, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $450
Insurance Advertising Covers, group of approximately 50 covers, some illustrated; includes 1906 Girard Fire & Marine Insurance Co. allover illustrated ad, 1880's Franklin Fire Insurance Co. of Philadelphia showing Ben Franklin, 1880's Continental Life Insurance Co. of Hartford Ct. showing state seal, etc.; condition mixed, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $230
Machinery Shaded Advertising Covers, 5 covers, mostly illustrated; includes 1886 Howe Machine Company showing Howe Portrait, 1892 Laidlaw - Dunn - Gordon Co. showing Pumping Machinery, 1860's Hopedale Machine Co. showing Building Scene, 1883 cover for the New Buckeye Mower; condition varied, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $200 - 300.
Music & Theater Related Ad Covers, mix of approximately 30 covers, some illustrated includes Edison and Victor Phonograph illustrated, 1880's cover showing various musical instruments, etc.; condition mixed, inspect (no photo). Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $160
Pan-American Ad Covers, group of three covers comprising 1¢ pair on Hotel Victory cover, 2¢ on "Hurrah for the 4th of July" patriotic flag cover, and 2¢ on Austin Separator Co. cover, Very Fine group. Scott No. 294 + 295 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $125
(Temperance) 1933 First Day of Beer & End of Prohibition, group of 6 cacheted covers; three postmarked on April 7, 1933 - the day F.D.R. signed the act legalizing the sale of beer and wine, with two multicolored hand-drawn cachets, two commemorating the end of prohibition on November 7th (one hand-drawn) and one commemorating the repeal of the 18th amendment; one with small stamp flaw, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $220
(Temperance) Prohibition and Temperance Covers, over 30 cover and cards; few early 19th century temperance including 1860 National Temperance Society ad cover, prohibition including Prohibition Party state headquarter covers from Iowa and Ohio, comical closed saloon postcards, etc.; condition varies, F.-V.F. overall. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325