Lot 2519
Confederacy, Belle Island Prison, Richmond, Va., orange prisoner-of-war cover to Mr. Abner Bane in Washington Pa. with original letter from Pvt. Sample S. Bane datelined "Richmond Va. Dec the 10th 1863", endorsed "By Flag of Truce", no censor marks, bearing U.S. 1861, 3¢ Rose tied by "Old Point Comfort Va. Feb. 1" cds, contents include a request for provisions "Direct it to Richmond Va. Belle Island Prisoner of War."; stamp flaws and cover soiling, Fine and rare, ex-Walske.Scott No. U.S. #65 Estimate $500 - 750.
Sample S. Bane was a private in the 22nd Pennsylvania Cavalry, after Belle Island he was transferred to Andersonville Prison where he died less than two months after this letter was written.
Realized: $550
Lot 2520
Confederacy, C.M. Prison, Columbia, S.C., prisoner of war letter datelined "C.M. Prison, Columbia, S.C. Dec 1st 1864" from Lt. P. Bishop of the "6th U.S. Artillery", addressed on outer leaf to Lieut. Hiram B. Martin, 6th U.S. Artillery at Memphis, Tenn., minor overall toning, F.-V.F.Estimate $400 - 600.
Lt. Peter Bischoff was captured at Fort Pillow, Tenn. on April 12, 1864, and was confined at Columbia S.C. Bischoff was a white officer in the 11th U.S. Colored Troops - designated 6th Heavy Artillery. In the letter Peter signs his name as "P. Bishop". Perhaps because the Confederacy did not take too kindly to colored troops or white officers who led them.
Realized: $230
Lot 2521
Confederacy, Camp Florence, Florence, S.C., cover endorsed "From Prisoner of War" at left to National, Iowa, manuscript "Examined" examiner's marking just ties C.S.A. 1863, 10¢ blue, and bearing U.S. 1861, 3¢ rose tied by "Port Royal Nov 10 '64" cds, the original letter from C.C. Goodale of Co. C 3rd Iowa Infantry 10th Det. 2nd Mess. datelined "Prisoners Camp Florence S.C. Oct 3d 64" to soldier's mother begins "I was taken prisoner 33d of July, am in very good health…", cover was probably taken from Florence by C.S.A. military courier to Hilton Head S.C. to be exchange by flag of truce via Port Royal; accompanied by response letter from soldier's mother datelined "National, Nov 25th 1864" and addressed to him at Florence, the cover has no postal markings and contained $5 and mentions box of provisions was sent; lot also includes a civil war journal by Private Charles C. Goodall of his military time May 5th to Dec. 25th, 1864 when he was exchanged, it was typed 25 yrs afterwards, Very Fine.Scott No. C.S.A. #11, U.S. #65 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
The Florence Stockade was built and became operational in September 1864, and was in use during the final fall and winter of the war. During its time of operation, anywhere from 15,000 to 18,000 captives were held there. The need for additional prisons became imperative after General Sherman captured Atlanta on September 1, 1864. Andersonville prison in south Georgia was thought to be in the path of Sherman and the Confederate prison authorities determined to relocate the approximately 30,000 Union prisoners then at Andersonville. Because Florence had three railroads, and was thought to be secure, it was chosen as a site for a newly constructed prison. To keep the Union soldiers in order during relocation, they were told that they were to be paroled. Many of those who were unable to walk or not stable enough to travel were left behind in Andersonville. Of the total number of prisoners that passed through the Florence Stockade, 2,802 Union soldiers died there and most were buried in unmarked trenches in what would become the Florence National Cemetery after the war.
Realized: $1,800
Lot 2522
Confederacy, Camp Oglethorpe, Macon, Ga., yellow prisoners cover endorsed "Via Flag of Truce" and with "Old Point Comfort, July 18" cds and "Due 6" handstamp to Hartford, Ct., prisoner "Prisoner of War Letter, John B. Clapp, Adjutant, 16th Ct." endorsement and manuscript "Ex W.S.S." examiner's marking for W.S. Scott, 1st Sgt. of 52nd Geo. Inf.; light horizontal fold, Very Fine, A rare Southern prison usage with only 28 recorded by Harrison.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $650
Lot 2523
Confederacy, Castle Thunder, Richmond, Va., yellow inner cover sent by Cpl. John Carr to his wife in Keedysville, Md., endorsed "Prisoners letter per flag of truce" at top, clear strike of "Old Point Comfort, Va., May 3" cds and matching strike of "Due 3" straightline in circle handstamp, original letter accompanies with type transcript; some edge wear and light soiling, Very Fine.Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
The original lengthy letter is datelined "Richmond, Va / Castle Thunder April 25, 1864", and reads in part "My imprisonment seems to have changed my whole being, yes my very soul…I thank my God, that it has made me learn to be a better Christian and to think more seriously of death, and my God."
The Castle Thunder Complex was composed of Greaner's, Whitlocks and Palmers Tobacco Factories joined by a fence forming a compound. The prison's most notorious commandant was Capt. George W. Alexander. As a Confederate solider fighting in Maryland, Alexander was captured in 1861. While awaiting execution by the Union Army, he escaped and fled to Richmond. Once in Richmond, Alexander took command of the Castle Thunder Prison. Security at the prison was intense under Alexander, and prisoners are said to have complained of Alexander's brutality.
Realized: $950
Lot 2524
Confederacy, Charleston, S.C., prisoner's cover endorsed "Prisoners Letter, Charleston S.C.", manuscript "Exd. H H R" (Capt. Hugh Hamilton Rogers, Provost Marshal) examiner's marking, entered mails with "Port Royal S.C. Aug 20 1864" cds and matching "Due 3" rating handstamp; some wear, Very Fine; with 2008 C.S.A. certificate.Estimate $500 - 750.
L. Paris Horney was an officer in Company C of the 110th Ohio Infantry. He was taken POW at Winchester on Jun 14, 1863 and confined at Macon Ga. and Columbia S.C. He died of dysentery in Charleston, exact prison unknown. One source says he died as a prisoner of war Nov. 7, 1864 at Columbia, where he is in fact buried, but Columbia records show him as having died in Charleston.
Realized: $500
Lot 2525
Confederacy, City Jail, Charleston, S.C., orange buff Prisoner's cover with "Port Royal Va. Sep 27" double circle postmark and two strikes of "Due 3" rating handstamps, addressed to Hamilton Ohio, endorsed at left "Prisoner letter for Flag of Truce, B.F. Blair Lt. 123rd Regt. O. V. I.", manuscript "Exd" marking at top right, includes original letter, left backflap signed "Soldiers Letter, Stewart L. Woodford, Lt. Col., Agent of Exchange", reduced slightly at right and bottom, left flap reattached, Very Fine, only eight covers are recorded from this prison.; with 2008 C.S.A. certificate.Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Interesting letter datelined "Charleston Jail, Charleston, S.C. Sept. 14" saying "Came here from Savannah yesterday…(my health…is considerably impaired…I am not dangerously sick" and hope to be transferred soon (he went to Columbia).
Realized: $525
Lot 2526
Confederacy, Columbia, S.C., prisoner cover bearing uncancelled CSA 1863, 10¢ blue addressed to his brother "Alfred Sanders, Davenport, Iowa", endorsed "From Lt. Col. A. H. Sanders, Prisoner of War, Columbia, S.C." and "Flag of Truce" at center, some aging, Fine, a scarce POW cover from Columbia S.C.Scott No. 12 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Lt. Col. Addison H. Sanders served the 16th Iowa Volunteers, was wounded severely in the legs by a mini ball and captured July 22, 1864 during the Atlanta campaign, from there incarcerated in Macon, Charleston and Columbia. He was later breveted as Brig. Gen. for gallantry on many battlefields. After the war, he was appointed postmaster of Davenport, Iowa and in 1870 President Grant appointed him Secretary of Montana Territory and he became acting Governor.
Realized: $1,350
Lot 2527
Confederacy, Danville Prison, Building #3, Danville, Va., folded letter datelined "Danville Va. Oct. 23rd 1864" to Auburn N.Y., no postal markings, prisoner's endorsement "Capt. F.A. Hopping Prisoner of War" with "By Flag of Truce", contents state, "Put this one in another sealed directed to Maj. Mulford Commissioner of exchanges Fortress Monroe Va.", Very Fine, Harrison records only two covers from Building #3, with thirty-five total covers known from all Danville prisons., ex-Walske.Estimate $500 - 750.
Contents state, "You have doubtless heard by way of the papers of my capture at Winchester, Va. Sept. 19th. We arrived at Richmond Sept 27 and remained five days were sent next to Salisbury NC where we remained a short time and removed to this town. If you write me, direct Capt. F. A. Hopping 75th Regt NY Vols., Danville, Va, By Flag of Truce". Stick fast a dime inside, leave envelope unsealed. Put this one in another sealed directed to Maj. Mulford Commissioner of Exchange Fortress Monroe Va. Use no more paper in writing than I have…Little did I think I ever should be a prisoner of war. Such is the fact. I hope however that our Government and the Confederate Government will agree to terms of exchange soon." Capt. F. Hopping was 39 years old when he enlisted on September 17, 1864 at Throop N.Y. as a 2nd Lieut in company E of the N.Y. 75th Infantry (Army of the Shenandoah).
Danville Building #3 is listed as the officer's building by Harrison on page 72.
Realized: $400
Lot 2528
Confederacy, Danville Prison, Building #4, Danville, Va., small 1864 folded letter to Waterboro P.O. in Ohio, across the lines with "Old Point Comfort, Va., Apr 19" cds and matching straight line "Due 3" handstamp, endorsed "Prisoner Letter" at left, letter datelined "Danville, Va., March the 21, 1864" with sending address "Danville, Va., Prison No.4, Via Fortress Monroe", Very Fine and choice, ex-Walske.Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
This is pictured in Harrison's Prisoners' Mail From The American Civil War on page 74.
Realized: $750