[Slavery] "Evansport, Indiana, June 10th 1842", dateline on folded letter to Dr. Joseph A. Boggs, brother of former Missouri Governor Lilburn W. Boggs, it was sent privately to Weston, where it entered the mails with red "Weston Mo. Jun 30" cds and manuscript "12½" rating, the writer is asking the doctor's help in finding a position in Missouri, citing a very strange reason: "…part of the object of this letter is to obtain of you information as to some good location in your state to which I believe I should prefer emigrating - as you have the privilege of keeping negroes without making equals or amalgamationists or whatever you please to call it of them. There are a great many abolitionists in this county & the subject will probably create some excitement here at no very distant day. I profess to be as much a friend of liberty as other men. And I would subscribe to the doctrines of equality too if the blacks could be removed to Africa but under existing circumstances I think the primitive principle of self preservation justifies slavery in this country…"; he also extends condolences to the doctor: "I have just heard of the assassination of your brother. That is shocking & strange & demands a most efficient & vindictive retribution on the part of the state…", Lilburn recovered from the assault of a Mormon fanatic who sought revenge for the expulsion of the Mormons from Missouri; couple minor stains, Very Fine. Estimate $500 - 750.
Lilburn Williams Boggs (1796 — 1860) was the sixth Governor of Missouri from 1836 to 1840. He is now most widely remembered for his interactions with Joseph Smith and Porter Rockwell, and Missouri Executive Order 44, known by Mormons as the "Extermination Order", issued in response to the ongoing conflict between members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and other settlers of Missouri. Boggs was also a key player in the Honey War of 1837.
Boggs, who was from Independence, moved to a house within the City of Zion plot in Independence after the Mormons were evicted from Missouri and after he left office. His home was three blocks east of Temple Lot. On the rainy evening of May 6, 1842, Boggs was shot by an unknown party who fired at him through a window as he read a newspaper in his study. Boggs was hit by large buckshot in four places: two balls were lodged in his skull, another lodged in his neck, and a fourth entered his throat, whereupon Boggs swallowed it. Boggs was severely injured. Several doctors - Boggs' brother among them - pronounced Boggs as good as dead; at least one newspaper ran an obituary. To everyone's great surprise, Boggs not only survived, but gradually improved.
Realized: $475
[Slavery] James H. Holmes, ALS letter datelined "Steamer 'Martha Jewett' Lying somewhere in 'God's Creation' but said to be on the Missouri River, about 15 miles below Jefferson City, Aground on a Clay Bar, - Sunday, June 29th, 1856", wonderful abolitionist content "I am a humble…abolitionist, with a Sharp's rifle, and a tremendous knife…traveling alone among pro-slavery passengers, on a pro-slavery boat, with a pro-slavery captain and crew, destined for Kansas, intending to make that land of the Free and Brave my home. Hailing from Virginia, I am counted by those around me as 'all right on the goose,' as the Missourians say." and closing "Hurrah for Freemont & Dayton. The peoples choice, - the nominees of Freemen, who desire a free country, free speech, Free Kansas and - Free-Mont", signed "Jas. H. Holmes", original cover with red "Jefferson City Mo. Jul 1" cds addressed to Charleston S.C. bearing 1852, 3¢ dull red, Fine. Scott No. 11 Estimate $300 - 400.
Once in Kansas Territory the writer, James H. Holmes, joined John Brown's gang. He engaged in plundering and robbing pro-slavery men in the Territory and did not hesitate to steal a few slaves from Missouri when the opportunity presented itself. He apparently did not join in the attack on Harpers Ferry and later joined the James H. Lane Frontier Guards.
Realized: $270
Slavery Related Collection, balance of collection including Kansas Territory related, includes 1851 letter from Robert J. Walker who was the 4th Terr. Gov. of KS, 1855 letter from Leavenworth City K.T. mentioning town election of free state candidate against pro-slavery with many pro-slavery Missourians coming to vote, 1856 National Kansas Committee letter, 1856 appeal of the Young Men's Kansas Assoc., 1866 civil war pension agency circular saying "colored soldiers are entitle to receive bounty…can apply for and receive pensions equally with white…", 1856 "Alphabet of Slavery" circular, three Banknotes showing slaves, few unused patriotics including John Brown, 1860s "Co. I, 10th Regiment, C. V." corner card for colored volunteers; etc., some mixed condition, Fine and interesting collection (no photo). Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $950
[Slavery] [Slavery in Missouri] Springfield Mo. Jul 30, cds ties 1852, 3¢ dull red, huge margins, on buff cover to Henderson Ky., original letter datelined "Springfield Mo., July 28th 1856" about reneging on a land deal and trading land for slaves: "You say you will give me a better trade than January offered, this is very uncertain, when you talk about a negro girl, you should give a description, age, size, and qualities, etc., You talk very indefinitely about it, there is no Negro girl in the United States worth Twelve hundred dollars; Eight hundred is a big price for a likely girl from 12 to 18 years of age. I hope by the next time I see you, you will be in a better humor, and we will talk it over, it will be all right in a hundred years from now."; some cover faults, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $260
[Slavery] "Tradewater Aprile 2 1857", dateline on enclosed letter with content concerning selling slaves and real estate deals sister to sister: "I have put off writing in hopes of hearing from Sister Eliza so that I could know her opinion about selling Betty and Maria without a decree…I think it would be best to sell as soon as possible from fear they should run off. I wish Betty could be free but am too poor - to contribute to buy the interest of those who are not willing to give her her freedom - could not betty get some one to buy her and let he work to pay for herself…", original 3¢ red Nesbitt entire cancelled by green "Caseville Ky. Apl 7" cds and addressed to Cynthana Ky., faults missing most of flap, Very Fine and interesting early letter with slavery content. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $90
(Steamboat Cargo) Steamer Frank Lyon With Eight Negro Women, manuscript endorsement on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt seal entire, carried outside the mails to the Dunlap Plantation in Madison Parish, La.; cover with expertly restored edge wear, Very Fine appearance. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $300
(Steamboat Cargo) Steamer Frank Lyon With Negro Man, Ned, manuscript endorsement on 1853, 3¢ Nesbitt seal entire carried outside the mails to the Dunlap Plantation in Madison Parish, La., Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170
(Steamboat Cargo) With Negro Girl 'Parthena', manuscript endorsement indicating that the letter accompanied the slave girl Parthena, on fresh cover to New Orleans, La., red "New Orleans, La., Nov 4" cds with matching "Steam 5" in circle handstamp, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230
Lot 1983
Taking Slaves As Part Payment For Land in Missouri, two 1859 letters, first dated Apr. 20th with slave content "…The negro woman and her two children proposed as part payment it is presumed will not suit you. Until recently I owned the woman myself and disposed of her to Pryor on account of her bad qualities as a servant. I will just state however that this became necessary on account of the loss of my wife, leaving two daughters quite young at the head of my family, rather than incurable defects in the servant…"; and second dated Mar. 14th with continued content "…Mr. Pryor asks you further, will you sell the entire Section (32) and receive in part payment a Negro woman and her two young children the woman is about 30 years old…" and the recipient's docket on back says "…would sell & take in the woman if she suited me…", Very Fine pair of letters.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350