Jamestown Business School, 3¢ Black on Pink, tied by indistinct handstamp on 1874 orange cover, original enclosure datelined "Mayville, May 12, 1874", Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

[Rawdon Wright Hatch] American Letter Mail Co., 1844, 5¢ Black, Thin Paper (2nd Printing), four large margins, tied by unusually clear strike of red oval of stars cancel on light gray folded letter datelined "Boston 28th Feby 1844" and addressed to New York, endorsed "P.M." at top left for private mail, F.-V.F. Scott No. 5L1 $750.
This letter discusses the price of Cuban molasses and its sale to the distillers. It does not mention the third leg of this trade - African Slaves. This triangular trade involved rum produced in Boston from Cuban molasses being shipped to the west coast of Africa and exchanged for slaves, who were then taken to Cuba and traded for molasses, which was taken back to Boston to be distilled into more rum.
Realized: $550

[Rawdon Wright Hatch] American Letter Mail Co., lot of three items comprising 1844, 5¢ black, thin paper (2nd printing) complete sheet of 20; accompanied two Bank Notes engraved by R.W.H. showing the eagle stock die that had been used on the stamp: $5 Miami Exporting Company of Ohio and $5 The Bank of Orleans; each with faults, F.-V.F. Scott No. 5L1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $250

Lot 1695
Bicycle Mail Route, 1894, 25¢ Green, Sheet of Six, "San Francisco" error of spelling, flaws including couple small thins, some margin toning and faint crease affecting one stamp, Fine and rare, only four such panes have been recorded by Cooper.Scott No. 12L1 $1,750.
Realized: $1,000

Bicycle Mail Route, 1894, 25¢ Green, "San Francisco" error of spelling, small spot in margin, tied by light double bar cancels on 2¢ green entire carried from Fresno to San Francisco, additionally tied by "San Francisco, Cal., Jul 12, 1894" machine postmark, manuscript "88" Banta registry number and purple Overman Wheel Co. handstamp, reverse with purple Bicycle handstamp dated "Jul 10, 1894" and San Francisco receiving postmark, Very Fine, a lovely Fresno to San Francisco usage. Scott No. 12L1 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
From July 7th to July 16th some covers mailed from Fresno to San Francisco bore an accounting number in the upper left corner. This procedure was established by Banta as his own personal registry system. Covers from San Francisco to Fresno did not bear such numbers.
Realized: $2,600

Bicycle Mail Route, 1894, 25¢ Green, "San Francisco" error of spelling, tied on Sellschopp & Co. corner card cover to Fresno by double bar handstamp and red "Received, Jul 15, 1894" date stamp that was used at San Francisco on outgoing mail, "Fresno, Cal., Jul 15, 1894" duplex postmark tying 2¢ carmine and bicycle stamp, purple Overman Wheel Co. handstamp, reverse with purple bicycle handstamp with … date and Fresno receiving postmark, Very Fine and choice, a wonderful and rare San Francisco to Fresno usage, ex-Bleuler; with 2007 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 12L1+220 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
The red date stamp on this cover was probably intended to indicate the date the Overman Wheel Co. received the envelope.
Realized: $2,800

Lot 1698
Bicycle Mail Route, 1894, 25¢ Green, Sheet of Six, one o.g., n.h., other with 5th position showing misaligned impression and affixed to light card (couple small edge flaws), otherwise Very Fine.Scott No. 12L2 $500.
Realized: $350

Bicycle Mail Route, 1894, 25¢ Green, spelling error corrected, tied by double bar cancel on brown & gold illustrated Victor Cyclery corner card cover to San Francisco, franked with 2¢ carmine (s.e. at top) tied by "San Francisco, Cal., Jul 19, 1894" machine postmark additionally tying bicycle stamp, purple Overman Wheel Co. handstamp, reverse with purple Bicycle handstamp with "Jul 17, 1894" date, Extremely Fine, a beautiful Fresno to San Francisco usage on Banta'a Victor Cyclery advertising cover, ex-Bleuler; with 2007 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 12L2+220 Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
This was most likely the last bicycle trip from Fresno to San Francisco, as railroad delivery had resumed on July 18th and Banta's service was no longer needed.
Realized: $3,750

Bicycle Mail Route, 1894, 25¢ Green, spelling error corrected, tied by light double bar cancels and bold "Fresno, Cal., Jul 10, 1894" cds and duplex additionally tying 2¢ carmine on locally addressed cover, reverse with purple Bicycle handstamp dated "Jul 10, 1894", Very Fine. Scott No. 12L2+220 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Banta intended that his many friends in Fresno would have the opportunity to acquire bicycle post covers as souvenirs. He prepared and mailed a quantity of such items, all of which were posted in the Fresno Post Office on three days - July 10th at 4:30PM, July 12th at 8:30PM and July 15th at 4:30PM.
Realized: $1,100

Bicycle Mail Route, 1894, 25¢ Green, spelling error corrected, tied by light double bar cancels and "Fresno, Cal., Jul 12, 1894" cds and duplex additionally tying 2¢ carmine on small locally addressed ladies cover, reverse with purple Bicycle handstamp dated "Jul 10, 1894"; bicycle stamp with small surface scuff, otherwise Very Fine, ex Bleuler; with 2007 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 12L2+220 Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,000