Pan-Americans Complete, single of each tied by separate strike of "Liebenthal Kans. May 16 1901" cds on registered cover to Budapest, Hungary, New York (5.20) backstamp transit and New York Registry Label affixed, Budapest (7.1) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, a rare complete set registered use to Hungary. Scott No. 294-299 Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $900
2¢ Pan-American, First Day Cover, tied by "San Francisco, Cal. May 1, 01" first day duplex on first day cover to Oakland Cal., reverse with clear strike of Oakland May 1 receiving machine postmark; no flap and opening tears at top left, Fine. Scott No. 295 $2,500.
Realized: $575
2¢ Pan-American, tied by "South Euclid, Ohio. Oct 31, 1904" duplex on all-over patriotic flag cover to Hartford Conn., light soiling. Scott No. 295 Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $65
4¢ Pan-American, tied by three strikes of "Indianapolis, Ind. Jun 13 '01" duplex on cover to Winona Minn. showing State of Indiana, House of Representatives ad design depicting the state capitol; light stain upper left, F.-V.F. Scott No. 296 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $130
5¢ Pan-American, tied by "Honolulu, H. Isls. Sep 11 1901" duplex on cover to England, Malvern (10.1) arrival backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 297 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $110
10¢ Pan-American, guideline s.e. at bottom, used with two 1¢ Pan-American singles, tied by "New York" ovals on registered cover to Manila, Philippines, purple "Registered. SubSta. No. 104, Oct 1 1901, New York" backstamp, San Francisco (10.7) backstamp transit and San Francisco registry label affixed, Philippines Registered (11.12) arrival backstamp; upper left corner repair, F.-V.F. Scott No. 299 + 294 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170
10¢ Pan-American, single on two 1901 domestic registered covers; one locally addressed from Saginaw, Mich. with two different registry date stamp postmarks, other (s.e. at bottom) from Colorado Springs, Colo. to New York City; former cover slightly reduced at left, Very Fine. Scott No. 299 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $120
1¢ Blue Green, tied by "Cincinnati O." third class oval on private post card with illustrated refrigerator ad to Springfield, Mass.; Very Fine and choice multicolored ad post card. Scott No. 300 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $70
1¢ Green, in combination with 1914, 2¢ carmine, two singles tied by "Lawrence, Kans., Nov 15, 1916" machine postmark on cover to Belgian Congo, forwarded internally to Kinshasa with Belgium Congo 1909, 15c ocher & black tied by Stanleyville cds, returned to sender with auxiliary return markings and various transit backstamps; one 2¢ stamp faulty from overlapping cover, Fine. Scott No. 424 Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $125
12¢ Claret Brown, in combination with 1923, 10¢ Monroe on reverse of unused 1914, 1¢ green postal card (UX27) from Brooklyn to Cortland, N.Y., reverse with notation "This card used as address label for return of empty metal egg shipping case."; toning and card edge tears, Fine, a rare and unusual parcel rate usage. Scott No. 474+562 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75