1861, 3¢ rose pink, full o.g., hinge remnant, attractive centering, fresh with bright color, Very Fine. Scott No. 64b $600.
Realized: $475

Lot 148 E
1861, 3¢ N.B.N.C. "Premiere Gravure" essay, in brown rose, complete design, plate on semi-transparent stamp paper, perf'd and gummed (formerly no. 56), o.g., lightly hinged, rich radiant color, exceptional freshness, Very Fine.Scott No. 65-E15h $550.
Realized: $425

Lot 149 E
1861, 3¢ N.B.N.C. "Premiere Gravure" essay, in brown rose, complete design, plate essay on semi-transparent stamp paper and perforated, full original gum, Fine and scarce.Scott No. 65-E15h $550.
Realized: $150

Lot 150 o
1861, 3¢ rose, full strike of fancy Devil & Pitchfork cancel of West Meriden, Conn. a Very Fine strike, a lovely example of this popular pictorial cancellation; with 2012 P.S.E. certificate. Skinner-Eno No. PH-F 40.Scott No. 65 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220

Lot 151 E
1861, 5¢ Jefferson essay, by Toppan, Carpenter & Co., in orange brown, complete design, die II on old proof paper (61x64mm), intensely rich color, Very Fine and choice, a very rare and seldom offered essay; with 2010 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 67-E4c $1,500.
Realized: $675

Lot 152 o
1861, 5¢ buff, neat circular grid cancel, strong color, nicely centered for this difficult issue, Very Fine, a tough stamp in sound condition; with 1988 P.F. certificate.Scott No. 67 $1,000.

Lot 153 o
1861, 5¢ buff, red grid cancel, wide margins, gorgeous rich color, tiny thin speck, F.-V.F. appearance.Scott No. 67 $1,000.
Realized: $240

Lot 154 o
1861, 5¢ brown yellow, blue grid cancel, rich distinctive color, Fine.Scott No. 67a $1,250.
Realized: $425

1861, 10¢ yellow green, full o.g., stunning deep rich color on fresh paper, attractively centered, F.-V.F. and attractive; with 1994 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 68 $1,050.

1861, 10¢ yellow green, choice centering and margins, on small piece in combination with Danish West Indies 1856, 3¢ dark carmine tied by "N. York, Steamship" circular handstamp, 3¢ additionally tied by target handstamp, Very Fine and choice, a scarce combination. Scott No. 68 + D.W.I. 1 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240