760 BK
Canal Zone, 1909, 2c vermilion & black, booklet pane of 6, handmade, perf'd margins, complete unexploded booklet of four panes, o.g., some interleaving adherence and tropical spotting as ususal, with 1¢ booklet printing (style B) on the salmon color booklet stock used for the 2¢ booklet, Very Fine, an extremely rare example of this error booklet with only six examples recorded, Scott catalog value for panes alone not accounting for the error booklet cover; with 2007 A.P.S. certificate. CZSG No. 32c.6. Scott No. 32c; $3,200 for panes Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

761 BK
Canal Zone, 1912, 2c vermilion & black, horizontal format booklet panes of 6, handmade, perf'd margins, o.g., never hinged, exceptional freshness, Very Fine and choice, a lovely pane in never hinged condition; with 2007 A.P.S. certificate. Scott No. 39g $900 for o.g.
Realized: $450

762 BK
Canal Zone, 1912, 2c vermilion & black, booklet panes of 6, handmade, perf'd margins, unexploded 49¢ booklet (style B) containing three of the four panes, o.g. (interleaving adherence), couple small spots on front cover, otherwise Very Fine. Scott No. 39g $2,700 for panes.
Realized: $290

Canal Zone, 1912, 2c vermilion & black, single stamp from handmade booklet pane of six, small faults, tied by "Pedro Miguel C.Z. Jun 2 1915" duplex on cover to Balboa Heights, Canal Zone, a Very Fine and rare use; with 2005 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 39g $800 as used off-cover.
Realized: $135

Canal Zone, 1915, 5c deep blue & black, o.g., never hinged, exceptional centering amid well balanced margins, strong colors, Extremely Fine; with 1996 and 2010 P.F. certificates. Scott No. 48 $500 for o.g.
Realized: $475

Danish West Indies, 1874, 5¢ green & gray, used with 1874, 3¢ blue & carmine, all tied by "St. Thomas 5/3 1895" cds on 3¢ entire to Germany, Altona (3.21) arrival backstamp; Very Fine. Scott No. 8 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $160

Danish West Indies, 1874, 1901, 4¢ brown & dull blue, diagonal bisects, group of four comprising two of each with 1874 with St. Thomas and Frederikstad cancels, and 1901 cancelled at St. Thomas, one used to West End and the other a homemade wrapper to Baltimore Md., also an additional 18a used on small piece, F.-V.F. group. Scott No. 7c, 18a Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $550

Danish West Indies, 1915, 5b-50b complete, all tied by two strikes of "Christiansted 25/1 1917" cds on cover to local St. Croix address, light horizontal file fold, minor perf toning. Scott No. 51-58; $488 as off-cover Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $300

Guam, 1899, 1¢ deep green, in combination with 1899, 2¢ rose carmine + 5¢ blue on cover to Altoona Pa., tied by "San Luis D' Apra, Guam, Dec. 13, 1899" straightline date stamp and matching "Bear Paw" cork handstamps, "Mil. Sta. No. 1 Manila" and Altoona backstamps, 2¢ with natural s.e. and 1¢ with some edge gum staining of little consequence, Very Fine, a scarce early usage and the earliest recorded usage of the "Bear Paw" cancel used for a short period between December 13, 1899 and February 24, 1900, ex Whitpain; signed H. Bloch. Scott No. 1 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220

Guam, 1899, 8¢ violet brown, o.g., never hinged, fresh with rich color, Fine; with 2011 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 7 $275.
Realized: $50