U.S. Possessions, Collection, 1855-1945, displayed in Scott Specialty album, with excellent Canal Zone including 10a & #47 mint, O8 used, and many more better items, considerable duplication both *&o; extensive Danish West Indies with varieties & *&o with duplication; also Philippines & Porto Rico; needs very careful examination with many surprises to be found, high catalog value, some mixed quality but stuffed with value, please inspect. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,900
U.S. Possessions, Accumulation/Stock, 1869-1990, mint and used on stock pages in binder, featuring Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Canal Zone, Guam, Marshall Islands, Palau, etc., general run of issues sorted by Scott catalog numbers, Canal Zone and Hawaii being most substantial, condition mixed. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $400
U.S. Possessions, Postal Stationery, 1877-1946, modest selection of cards & entires, including Canal Zone UX2, UX4, D.W.I. mint postal cards, misc Philippines entires including Japanese Occupation; Cuba; and more, please inspect. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $70
U.S. Possessions, Covers, 1880-1945, selection of about 270 items, including much Hawaii kingdom stationery, including postal cards (some duplication), other covers; FDC's from Canal Zone; also Philippines, Puerto Rico, Cuba, bit of D.W.I. stationery; vast majority are stationery, a few commercial, a few FDC's, please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $650
Guam, Collection, lacking the 2 rarest items, otherwise complete mint with extra examples of all, including used #12 with APS cert, F.-V.F. Scott No. 1//M11 Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $850
Hawaii, Incoming Cover Collection, 1850-99, of over 50 U.S. covers and cards mounted and annotated on pages in Scott album; includes U.S. #35 to Lahaina canceled by N.Y. ocean mail cds, 1860's usages with U.S. #65 frankings including "Due 7" handstamp and red crayon "7¢" & "12¢" rates from east and west coast towns, nice showing of various Banknote issues, later including registered, postal stationery usages, due usages, etc. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,100
Hawaii, Collection, 1853-99, on quadrille pages in Scott album; includes a selection of early Kamehameha issues with mint o.g. #9 and re-issues, 1861-63 issues including re-issue sheet, various 1864-89 Banknotes issues */o including many mint blocks of 4 and some cancel interest, similar 1893 Provisional overprint issues including some overprint varieties, later Pictorials, Officials */o and some specimens including multiples; condition varies. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $4,250
Hawaii, Cover Collection, 1854-99, of approximately 50 covers mounted and annotated on pages in Scott album; starting with a couple 1850's stampless ship usages, a dozen 2¢ vermilion interisland usages mostly from Honolulu with a variety of target and grid handstamp, later 2¢ brown usages with various Honolulu cds's, several 6¢ Banknote usages to the U.S., some attractive combination Banknote frankings including registered, one on Post Office imprint cover, 1893 overprint issues with various single frankings covers, later Pictorial issue usages including 5¢ rose to Australia, corner card covers and a nice range of townmarks, also includes some on piece items and some off cover stamps with scarcer town postmarks; condition varies, worth review. Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,000
Hawaii, Accumulation, 1857-1899, collection of many 100's, on album pages, comprising Kamehameha III & IV designs, including some "Reproductions, Specimens, Reprints, Cancelled" varieties; a modest showing of numerals; followed by Bank Notes to $1, mint & used; "Provisional Govt. 1893" overprints, Pictorials & Officials, Revenues; considerable duplication with interesting assortment of cancels neatly displayed in stockbook, many premium to scarce; mixed condition to be expected on some, but many well centered; some "No Gum", some never hinged, blocks, inscription blocks, a few cut squares. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $4,500
Lot 1832
Hawaii, Forgery Collection, of over 50 items; includes five dollar "Elua Dala" bogus items from Jeffryes, dozens of Numeral issue forgeries many canceled, Schleicher & Duren postal card forgeries and bogus provisional overprint entire, also the scarce 20¢ Stamp Duty bogus issue.Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $800