Confederacy, (Attorneys) Dickinson & Kilpatrick, Attorneys At Law, red embossed oval cameo corner card on buff cover bearing 1862, 5¢ light milky blue, large margins, radiant color, scissors-cut at top left and scuffed at top right, cancelled by neat manuscript., "Grove Hill Ala. May 30" cds to Lt. John Y. Kilpatrick, Care of Capt. S.B. Cleveland, of Clark County Ranger, Col. Wort Adams Regiment at Corinth Miss., with enclosure that is likely not original as dated Feb. 1862; barely reduced at right, attractive Very Fine appearance, great historical interest. Scott No. 4b Estimate $400 - 600.
Adams was a native of Kentucky and engaged in banking in Mississippi when he declined the Postmaster-Generalship of the Confederacy tendered him by Jefferson Davis when the government was organized. He instead raised the 1st Mississippi Cavalry who saw its first action at the Battle of Shiloh in early April of 1862, just days after this correspondence was mailed to his camp in Corinth.
Realized: $800
Confederacy, (Attorneys) "Seat & Pettey, Attorneys & Counselors At Law, Brenham, Texas.", fancy framed printed corner card on yellow cover with partial "Brenham Tex. Jun 19" cds and matching "Paid 10" (Dietz type IB) rating handstamp, addressed to the Confederate "Gov. Isham G. Harris, Nashville, Tenn., docketed answered at left; flap opening tear, Very Fine, a scarce Texas advertising use with a paid handstamp, ex-MacBride. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525
Confederacy, (Attorneys) Tradewell & Desaussure, Attorneys At Law, Columbia S.C., all-over shaded ad on cover bearing 1862, 5¢ light blue, De La Rue printing horizontal pair tied by blue "Columbia S.C. Sep 13" cds to Camden S.C.; reduced a bit at left, minor stain bottom edge, F.-V.F. Scott No. 6 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $525
Confederacy, (Grocers) Compton & Callaway, Family Groceries, Millidgeville Ga., blue cameo corner card on buff cover addressed to Macon Ga., "Milledgeville Ga. Mar 12" cds with matching "Paid" and "5" (Dietz type IIA) rating handstamps; reduced at right, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $500
Confederacy, (Grocers) Hand, Williams & Graves, Wholesale Grocers, Augusta Ga., blue cameo corner card on buff cover bearing 1862, 5¢ light blue, De La Rue printing, large margins to just in, tied by "Marion C.H. S.C. Nov 5" cds to Fayettesville N.C., docketed "W Evans" at right; cover faults and partial backflap, Fine. Scott No. 6 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200
Confederacy, (Grocers) Martin, Tannahill & Co., Grocers & Commission Merchants, Petersburg Va., blue cameo corner card on cover bearing Petersburg, Va., 1861, 5¢ red, irregular margins, tied by blue "Petersburg Va. Oct 22" cds to Townesville N.C.; trimmed at top with small edge flaws, Fine, ex-Thayer. Scott No. 65X1; $2,500 as normal cover Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $575
Confederacy, (Grocers) Thos. Branch & Sons, Grocers & Commission Merchants, Petersburg Va., printed corner card on orange buff cover bearing 1863, 10¢ greenish blue, four large margins, tied by blue "Petersburg Va. Oct 27" cds, Extremely Fine and choice, ex-Malpass. Scott No. 11c Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $375
Confederacy, (Schools & Colleges) Female College, Petersburg Va. / Rev. A. F. Leavenworth, President, ornate printed corner card on adversity cover made from illustrated advertising form, bearing US 1861, 3¢ rose tied by unusual Maltese Cross in Circle fancy cancel duplexed with "Petersburgh Va. Nov. 13" cds to Capt. F. P. Leavenworth in Shrevesport La., endorsed "Via New Orleans" at bottom left, opened for display and with white tape around opening, stamp lifted and hinged in place with some extra gum, otherwise Very Fine, attractive and rare post-war usage. Scott No. 65 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300
Confederacy, (Schools & Colleges) Randolph Macon College, Va. Jun 26, cds on buff cover with matching "Paid 5 CSA" ornate integral cancelling device, addressed to Mr. D.W. Waller of Thornsburg, Va., flap with small blue embossed Randolph Macon College oval cameo; backflap torn and small edge tear, F.-V.F. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $850
Confederacy, (Schools & Colleges) University of Virginia, Va. Sep 21, blue cds with matching "Paid" oval handstamp and manuscript "10" rating addressed to "Capn. Philip B. Cabell, Care of Genl. P. St. Geo. Cocke, Commanding 5th Brigade, Fairfax C. House, Va.", manuscript box notation upper right, Very Fine, This was subject of Patricia Kaufmann's Confederate Post section in the ASDA magazine (May 2007, p. 38). Estimate $150 - 200.
General Cocke was the only Confederate General to commit suicide during the Civil War. He was a West Point graduate and a brigade commander at First Manassas. He returned home in poor health a few months after the battle and committed suicide the day after Christmas 1861. Cabell was a volunteer aid to General Philip St. George Cocke, educated at the University of Virginia and from the very influential Cabell family.
Realized: $240