1861 (Aug. 7) Boston, Mass. to Geneva, Switzerland, tissue cover franked with 1857, 10¢ Green, Type V two singles + 1¢ blue, type V, tied by two strikes of "Paid" grid cancels and red "Boston 'Paid 18' Aug 7" exchange cds for British packet, on cover to Switzerland, forwarded from Geneva to Interlaken, French (8.19) entry cds and matching large "P.D." framed handstamp, Geneva (8.20) and Berne (8.22) backstamps; small faults, F.-V.F. Scott No. 35+24 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $135

1864 (Jan. 20) Washington, D.C. to Sumiswald, Switzerland, light buff cover with "Soldier's Letter" endorsement at upper right, "Washington D.C. Jan. 20" double-circle datestamp and matching "Due 3" rating, crossed out in blue crayon and manuscript "35" unpaid rating, black "New York '18' Jan 23" debit exchange cds, red Calais transit cds, magenta "220" centimes double-weight due rating, Sumiswald (2.5) arrival backstamp; large sealed cover tear across face, F.-V.F. appearing. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

1864 (Dec. 17) Chicago Ill. to Undervelier, Switzerland, orange buff cover with blind embossed "James Forter Jr. & Co., Opticians" corner card and bearing three 1861, 3¢ rose singles, two with nat. s.e. at right, and one 1861, 10¢ green single, prepaying the 19¢ treaty rate, red "N. York Hamb. Pkt. 'Paid' Jan 7" exchange cds with red manuscript "16" credit to Hamburg, carried by Hapag Line Saxonia from New York Jan. 7 to Hamburg arriving Jan. 20, Hamburg (1.20) arrival backstamp and "Franco" scrip straightline plus red crayon "4" Sgr. credit, various backstamps including Undervelier (1.24) arrival; couple trivial stamp flaws, Very Fine, One of only six recorded letters sent from U.S. to Switzerland under the 1860 U.S.-Hamburg Convention. Scott No. 65 + 68 Estimate $400 - 600.
In June 1860, the prepaid letter rate from the U.S. to Switzerland was reduced to 19¢ per ½ ounce when sent via the U.S.-Hamburg Convention. The U.S. was entitled to only 3¢ per ½ ounce on letters sent aboard German steamships. Despite the fact that this convention remained in effect until the end of Dec. 1867, it appears that very little mail was exchanged between the U.S. and Switzerland via the U.S.-Hamburg treaty. Winter records only six letters via Hamburg mails (Winter Vol. II, page 969).
Realized: $1,250

1865 (Feb. 21) Summerfield, Ill. to Arlesheim, Switzerland, orange cover with partial "Summerfield Feb 21" cds and bearing on reverse two 1861, 3¢ rose strips of five, cancelled and tied by quartered corks, red "N.York Br. Pkt. '7 Paid' Mar 1" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Europa from New York Mar. 1 to Queenstown arriving Mar. 12, blue "Aachen France 15/3" framed transit and matching "Franco Pruess./resp.Vereinsl.Ausg.Gr" framed h.s. to show this letter was prepaid to Swiss border only, Basel (3.16) and Arlesheim (3.17) backstamps, red crayon "10" centimes (3kr.) due rating; two stamps faulty, Very Fine, A choice use at the 30¢ Prussian Closed Mail rate prepaid to Swiss border only. Scott No. 65 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $625

1865 (Apr. 9) St. Louis, Mo. to Basel, Switzerland, yellow cover bearing 1861, 3¢ rose and 30¢ orange tied by "St. Louis Mo. Apr. 9" duplex, red New York "12" cent credit, carried by Hapag Line Teutonia from New York Apr. 15 to Southampton arriving Apr. 28, blue "Aachen Franco framed transit and blue manuscript "fr 1" Sgr. credit to Switzerland (overwritten with red "3" kr. equivalent"), Basel (5.1) arrival backstamp; small edge nick and partial flap, F.-V.F., The 33¢ per ½ ounce prepaid Prussian Closed Mail letter rate. Scott No. 65 + 71 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $500

1867 (Jun. 25) Rochester, N.Y. to Geneva, Switzerland, cover bearing 1861, 1¢ blue and 10¢ green, horizontal pair, all cancelled by cork cancels, matching "Rochester N.Y. Jun 25" cds, red "New York 'Paid 18' Jun 26" credit exchange cds, red Calais transit cds and small red "PD" framed handstamp, Geneva (3.9) arrival backstamp, remailed to Lausanne with Geneva (3.9) cds and matching "Tombé à la Boîte" (Found in the Box), then returned to Rochester, various backstamps including "Carrier Jul 27 10AM" cds; small paper loss at left, stamp faults, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

1869 (Jun. 14) Washington D.C. to Basel, Switzerland, fresh cover bearing 1861, 10¢ green, single and pair with deep rich color, tied by "Washington D.C. Jun 14" duplex with quartered corks for the 30¢ Prussian Closed Mail rate, red "N.York '7 Paid' Jun 17" exchange cds, carried by NGL Line New York from New York Jun. 17 to Bremen arriving Jun. 28, blue "Aachen France 30/6" framed transit and matching "Franco Pruess./resp.Vereinsl.Ausg.Gr" framed h.s. to show this letter was prepaid to Swiss border only, Baden (6.5) and Basel (6.5) backstamps, red crayon "10" centimes (3kr.) due rating; right 10¢ placed over edge, Very Fine, A choice use at the 30¢ Prussian Closed Mail rate prepaid to Swiss border only. Scott No. 68 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $575

1873 (Jun. 7) New York, N.Y. to Neuchtel, Switzerland, blue folded cover with perfect strike of red "New York Paid All via Eng. & Ostd. Jun 7" exchange office cds and bearing 1870, 10¢ brown, two singles, each nat. s.e. at right, tied by sharp complete strike of NYFM fancy cancel (Weiss ST-8P10), Basel (6.19) backstamp, Extremely Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

1874 (Jun. 27) New York, N.Y. to Neuchatel, Switzerland, folded cover bearing two 1873, 10¢ brown singles for double rate, rich color, tied by NYFM circle of wedges and red "New York Paid All Via Eng. & Ostd. Jan 27" exchange cds, carried by NGL Line Mosel from New York Jun. 27 to Southampton arriving Jul. 8, Basel (7.10) and Neuchatel (7.10) backstamps; Extremely Fine. Scott No. 161 Estimate $150 - 200.
In July 1872, a new postal convention with Switzerland provided for closed mails via Bremen or Hamburg. To differentiate between this convention and the 1870 convention which was for closed mails via England, New York created a series of new circular datestamps. This is one of two different marking showing the desired routing through England and Belgium, "VIA ENG. & OSTD".
Realized: $260