(Retaliatory Rate) 1848 (Sep. 3) New Orleans, La. to Amsterdam, folded cover with New Orleans Sep. 3 cds and matching "Paid" with "34" rating handstamp, red London (9.26) transit backstamp with manuscript "1/8" debit rating to Holland, rare "Eng. Corresp./Over ' Hage" two-line transit handstamp, "120" Dutch cents due rating; small bit of address redrawn, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
During the winter months ice sometimes prevented the British mail vessels going to Rotterdam and they landed mail at Scheveningen, the port serving The Hague.
Realized: $160

1848 (Dec. 30) Baltimore, Md. to Amsterdam, folded letter with blue "Baltimore Md. Dec 30" cds and matching "Paid" and "10" oval handstamps, carried by Cunard Line Hibernia from New York Jan. 2 to Liverpool arriving Jan. 16, London (1.17) backstamp with manuscript "3/4" debit rating to Netherlands, scarce red "ENG CORRESP./Over SCHAGE" two-line backstamp and manuscript "220" Dutch cents final due rating; minor discoloring, Fine, This was carried on the first Cunard sailing from New York. Estimate $200 - 300.

1849 (Feb. 19) New York, N.Y. to Schiedam, Netherlands, folded letter sent at 5¢ open mail rate, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from Boston Feb. 21st to Liverpool arriving Mar. 6th, London (3.7) backstamp and manuscript "1/8" 1s8d debit to Netherlands, Schiedam (3.8) arrival backstamp and manuscript "120" Dutch Cents due rating, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
When U.S.-U.K. convention went into effect it lowered the transatlantic sea portion of the rate from 1s to 8d; however, the British and Dutch did not recognize this reduction until 21 March 1849. London debit to Holland consisted 1s transatlantic packet fee + 8d U.K. portion under 1843 convention (equivalent to 100 Dutch Cents), to which was added 20 Cents for the Dutch portion under the convention. Scarce combination of rates in effect only five weeks.
Realized: $475

1850 (Oct. 29) San Francisco, Cal. to Rotterdam, Netherlands, folded letter with red "San Francisco Cal. 30 Oct" cds with matching "Paid" h.s. and red crayon "64" cents prepaid rating, carried by Cunard Line Arctic from New York Dec. 21 to Liverpool arriving Jan. 1, red London (1.2) backstamp and matching "U.S. PK. T." h.s. with manuscript "8" pence debit to Holland, Rotterdam (1.4) arrival backstamp and manuscript "70" Dutch Cents due rating; Very Fine, exceedingly rare 64¢ prepaid Bremen Mails rate from the West Coast. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Letter carried by Pacific Mail Steamship Company steamer "Panama" to Panama and United States Mail Steamship Company steamer "Georgia" from Chagres to New York. Letter prepaid 64¢ for Bremen mail rate to Bremen from West Coast (40¢ + 24¢), not the normal routing for mail to Holland. Since no Bremen steamship service was available during the 1850-1851 winter, New York sent letter to G.B. in the open mails (a 56¢ rate), despite a Bremen Closed Mail being carried on this same voyage. London struck "U.S.PK.T." in red (scarce color used 1850-51 only) to show letter brought to G.B. by American packet. Dutch postage due included 40 Dutch Cents to G.B., 10 Dutch Cents transit through Belgium and 20 Dutch Cents internal postage. Very early California letter to Holland.
Realized: $725

1859 (Mar. 19) Baltimore, Md. to Amsterdam, Holland, blue printed circular at 2¢ newspaper rate prepaid in cash with "Balto. Paid" and red crayon "2" cents rating, carried by Cunard Line Arabia, red French (4.4) transit cds, manuscript "7½" Dutch Cents postage; small part of address redrawn, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Amsterdam applied triangular "1½ c., Amsterdam" handstamp on backflap, a fiscal tax on all printed matter from foreign countries. Holland incorrectly charged "7½" Dutch cents for the British open mail rate instead of the correct "12½" Dutch cents for mail via France.

1868 (Nov. 10) New York, N.Y. to Holland, blue folded cover bearing 1867, 15¢ black, F. grill, tied by bold strike of NYFM circle of wedges on Nov. 10, 1868 folded letter to Holland, red "New York Br Transit Nov" exchange cds, endorsed "pr 'America' via Southampton", red "Amsterdam 25 Nov 68" backstamp; hor. file fold slightly affects 15¢, Fine, ex-Brouillette. Scott No. 98; $375 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220

1869 (Sep. 8) the Hague, Netherlands to New York, N.Y., cover with red "Gravenhage, 8 Sep 69" cds and bearing Netherlands 20c. green tied by dotted "4" lozenge, insufficiently prepaid with manuscript "20" due rating, black "New York Sep 22" cds and manuscript "17" overwritten with "20" for 8¢ due in coin = 10¢ in notes plus 5¢ fine; small edge fault just affects 20c., F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.

1870 (Aug. 23) Louisville, Ky. to Amsterdam, Holland, yellow cover bearing 1869, 10¢ yellow, tied by "Louisville Ky. Aug 23" duplex, red "New York Paid All Br. Transit Aug 25" exchange cds, carried on Cunard Line Samaria from New York Aug. 25 to Queenstown arriving Sep. 5, Amsterdam (9.7) arrival backstamp. Scott No. 116 Estimate $300 - 400.
Under the US-Netherlands Convention of 1 Feb. 1870, the prepaid letter rate form the U.S. to the Netherlands was 10¢ per 15 grams (approx. ½ ounce). The entire prepayment was retained by the U.S., so no accounting was required.
Realized: $950