1867 (Jun. 22) Manchester, England to Boston, Mass., folded cover with "Manchester, 22JU67" cds, black "38/Cents" debit handstamp, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line Java from Queenstown Jun. 23 to Boston arriving Jul. 2, neat strike of "Boston. Br. Pkt. '48' 3 Jul" exchange debit cds and matching scarce "64 In U.S. Notes" depreciated currency circular handstamp (Blake 911), 1867 docketing on face; minor edgewear and file folds, Very Fine, A rare depreciated currency marking. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

1867 (Nov. 26) London, England to New York, N.Y., folded cover bearing G.B. 1s. green, tied by two bold strikes of "49" grid cancels, red "21/Cents" credit handstamp; carried by Havre Line Fulton from Falmouth Nov. 28 to New York arriving Dec. 13, red "N. York Am. Pkt. 'Paid' Dec 14" exchange cds; clean and Extremely Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
This was carried on the last voyage of the Havre Line "Fulton", which was also the Last Voyage of the Havre Line.
Realized: $1,700

1869 (Mar. 18) London, England to Portland, Me., folded letter from Baring Bros. with red "Lombard Street 'Paid' 18 MR 69" origin cds and red manuscript "6" prepaid rating, carried as endorsed by Allan Line Austrian from Liverpool Mar. 18 to Portland arriving Mar. 30, clear strike of red "Portland Me. Am. Pkt. 'Paid' Mar 30" exchange cds, Very Fine and choice Portland packet use. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

1870 (May 14) Liverpool, England to Boston, Mass., cds on folded letter, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line Russia from Liverpool May 14 to New York arriving May 25, "Boston May 26" backstamp, blue crayon "26" rating with "In U.S. Notes" depreciated currency straightline; Very Fine and choice, a scarce Boston depreciated currency use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

1870-71, London, England to New York, N.Y. - Late Fees, two covers carried by Inman Line steamers Paris and City of Washington with red "L1" and "L2" late fee handstamps respectively, each with stamps prepaying the late fee; file fold affects one stamp, Very Fine and pretty pair. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $50

1870-71, Two Covers Carried By Non-Contract Guion Line "Idaho", Aug. 28 from Liverpool to New York with "New York Ship Letter '4' Aug 28" due cds, Mar. 22, 1870 from London to New York with "New-York 'Ship' Apr 4" cds with manuscript "8" due rating for double weight, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $95

1871 (Oct. 10) Liverpool, England to Maracaibo, Curacao, folded letter bearing G.B. 1s. green, wing margin, tied by "Liverpool 16OC71" duplex, red "12½/Cents" credit rating h.s., carried by RMSS Moselle to St. Thomas, transferred to Jesurun & Zoon Galgo for carriage to Curacao, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
The rate to the Dutch West Indies was 1 shilling per ½ ounce. The Netherlands received 12½ Dutch cents per ½ ounce for sea carriage and final delivery.
Realized: $475

1871-74, London, England to New York, N.Y. - Late Fees, four covers carried by four different NGL Line steamers with red "L1" or "L2" late fee handstamps, fees are paid in cash; each with file fold that affects stamp, F.-V.F. Estimate $100 - 150.