1860 (Jun. 4) London, England to Brunswick, Me., cover bearing G.B. 1s. green tied by "London-E, JU 4 '60" duplex, two strikes of red "21/Cents" credit rating, carried by Allan Line Bohemian from Liverpool Jun. 6 to Quebec arriving Jun. 18, red "Portland Me. Am. Pkt. '24' Jun 20, 1860" exchange cds; F.-V.F., a scarce Portland Packet use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140

1861 (Apr. 23) Elgin, Ill. to Coupar Angus, Scotland via Chicago, orange cover with "Elgin Ill. Apr. 23, 1861" cds and "24" unpaid rating handstamp, blue "Chicago Ill. AM. Pkt. '21' Apr 24" exchange debit cds, four-line "Glasgow Packet, Unpaid, MY 10, 1861" transit and manuscript "1/-" sh packet rating, Coupar Angus (5.11) arrival backstamp; small part of flap missing with tiny edge nick, Fine and scarce use. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

1862 (Apr. 10) London, England to Cincinnati, Oh. via Detroit, cover with "London-E.C. AP 10 '62" cds and bold strike of "3/Cents" debit handstamp, carried by Allan Line Bohemian from Liverpool Apr. 10 to Portland arriving Apr. 23, "Detroit Am. Pkt. '24' Apr 26" debit exchange cds; some edgewear, F.-V.F., a scarce Detroit exchange office use. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $75

1863 (May 9) London, England to New York, N.Y., cds on folded letter with "19/Cents" debit handstamp, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line China from Liverpool May 9 to New York arriving May 22, New York "34" depreciated currency rating h.s.; Very Fine, an early depreciated currency cover. Estimate $300 - 400.
Starting May 1, 1863, exchange office postmasters were authorized to collect on unpaid letters from Great Britain and Ireland, France, Prussia, Hamburg, Bremen or Belgium the postage due in coin or depreciated greenback currency, with a premium calculated daily on the latter. This letter was due either 24¢ in coin or 34¢ in greenback notes.
Realized: $475

1864 (Feb. 17) Bristol, England to St. Louis, Mo. via Chicago, cover with "Bristol FE 17 '64" cds and "6/Cents" debit exchange handstamp, carried by Allan Line Damascus from Londonderry to Quebec, blue "Chicago Am. Pkt. '48' Mar 5" exchange cds with matching "70/U.S. Notes" depreciated currency handstamp; repaired opening tears, Extremely Fine appearance. Estimate $500 - 750.
London sent Chicago mails on Allan Line steamers from Londonderry to Quebec. Letter carried by train from Quebec to Chicago for exchanging.
Realized: $475

1864 (Feb. 18) Newton-Stewart, England to New Orleans La., mourning cover bearing 1862, 6d lilac, vertical pair, slight rounded perfs at top, tied by two strikes of "Newton-Stewart, FE 18, 1864" duplex, "Port William, FE 17 1864" backstamp, red "24/Cents" credit handstamp, carried by Allan Line Damascus from Liverpool Feb. 19 to Portland Me. arriving Mar. 2, red "Portland Me. Am. Pkt. 'Paid 24' Mar 3 1864" exchange cds; light overall toning, Very Fine and scarce Portland packet use. Scott No. G.B. #39 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210

1865 (Dec. 20) New York, N.Y. to Norwich, England, cover with red "N. York Br. Pkt 'Paid 19' Dec 21" exchange cds and bearing 1861, 24¢ lilac tied by bold strike of NYFM geometric (Skinner 64-11) on 1865 cover to Norfolk, England, carried by Cunard Line Asia from Boston Dec. 20 to Queenstown arriving Dec. 31, Norwich (1.3.65) backstamp, Very Fine and attractive cancel, ex-Koppersmith, Skinner; with 1986 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 78 Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $525

1865 (Dec. 21) Edinburgh, Scotland to Barton, Md., cover with "Posted Since Last Night, DE 21 '65" duplex and "3/Cents" debit handstamp, carried by Allan Line Moravian from Londonderry Dec. 21 to Portland arriving Jan. 6, scarce "Portland Am. Pkt. '24 or 34 U.S. Notes' Jan 6" depreciated currency cds, additional manuscript "Due 34" rating; small edge tear, small part of flap missing, Very Fine and scarce Portland packet depreciated currency use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $475

1867 (Feb. 1) Rochester, N.Y. to Edinburgh, Scotland, legal size cover bearing 1861, 3¢ rose, vertical pair and 1861, 90¢ blue, all tied by split cork cancels duplexed with "Rochester N.Y. Feb 1" cds for quadruple the 24¢ treaty rate, red "N.York Am. Pkt. 'Paid' Feb 2" exchange cds, magenta "12" credit rating for quadruple the 3¢ credit by American packet, carried by Inman Line City of Boston from New York Feb. 2 to Liverpool arriving Feb. 12, red "Paid, Liverpool, U.S. Packet, 12 FE 67" arrival cds, Edinburgh (2.13) arrival backstamp; cover with some light restoration not affecting stamps; couple minor perf flaws, Very Fine appearance; with clear 1949 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 65 + 72 Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $5,500

1867 (Feb. 7) Kettering, England to New York, N.Y., cover bearing G.B. 1s. green, tied by "Kettering FE 7 '67" duplex, London (2.8) and Liverpool (2.8) backstamps, red "5/Cents" credit handstamp, New York red "Paid" arced handstamp, clear strike of "Cannot Be Found" and matching "New-York N.Y. Apr 4" backstamp, oval "New-York Post Office 'Advertised' Mar 2" handstamp; opened for display, F.-V.F., a scarce Trans-Atlantic advertised usage. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110