1855 (Oct. 31) Bristol, England to Bath, Me., blue folded letter docketed in pencil "Oct. 31st Pilot left the Tonquin" at top, entered mails with Bristol (11.5) cds, London "3/Cents" debit h.s. to U.S., carried by Ocean Line Washington from Southampton Nov. 7 to New York arriving Nov. 27, "New York Packet '24' Nov 27" debit exchange cds and matching "34" due rating h.s., Very Fine, a scarce cover showing annotations of pilot service. Estimate $200 - 300.
Letter was written on board the Bark Tonquin as a report to the ship's owner, after clearing Bristol harbor, loaded with railroad iron and bound for New York. It was given by Captain Windsor to the pilot to take ashore and post. Apparently, the pilot remained at sea for a few more days, finally giving the letter to the Bristol marine insurance agent, M, J. F. & Alexander, who posted it unpaid on November 5 at Bristol, acting as a forwarding agent. For reasons unknown, the Bristol clerk sent the letter to Liverpool, but it was too late for the steamer, and had to be sent to London, where it was prepared for the next steamer, an American one from Southampton.
Realized: $145

1856 (Jan. 24) England to Boston, Mass., cover bearing G.B. 1s. green embossed, large margins except just touched at right, tied by "357" barred oval cancels, Liverpool (1.25) transit backstamps and large red "5/Cents" credit handstamp, carried by Cunard Line Persia from Liverpool Jan. 6 to New York arriving Feb. 9, large red "Boston Paid, Br. Pkt." arrival cds, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $200

1856 (May 15) New Orleans, La. to Liverpool, England, folded cover endorsed "Open Printed P/C" and bearing 1851, 1¢ blue, type II, vertical pair with huge margins except just touched at top, tied by bold "New -Orleans La. May 15" cds, "Liverpool America, JU 1 '56" backstamp and matching large "2" pence due handstamp, wonderful strike of green "Liverpool, JU 2, 1856" rimless cds, Very Fine and choice. Scott No. 7 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $500

1857 (Jan. 23) Gateshead, England to Saco, Me., blue folded cover bearing G.B. 1847, 1s. embossed, huge margins including left sheet margin, for packet fee plus G.B. 1d. red for late fee, both tied by Gateshead (1.23) duplex, Liverpool (1.24) backstamps and red "5/Cents" credit handstamp, although the late fee was paid, letter missed the Cunard Line Africa that departed Liverpool on Jan. 24, instead carried by Cunard Line Europa from Liverpool Jan. 31 to Boston arriving Feb. 15, red "Boston Br. Pkt. 'Paid 24' Feb 15" exchange cds, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $280

1857 (Nov. 17) Table Rock, Ca. to Dumfrieshire, Scotland, manuscript "Table Rock, Cal. Nove 1 /57" postmark on orange cover with red manuscript "Paid 27¢" error rating for attempted payment of 24¢ treaty rate plus miscalculated 3¢ West Coast surcharge, carried on PMSS Golden Age to Panama, USMS Northern from Aspinwall and Cunard Line Niagara from Boston to Liverpool, reverse with "America Liverpool" (12.14) cds and matching "ART-5 / BR. PKT." accounting handstamp (Talbeart M6), large "1 / 2½" due handstamp, Annan (12.15) arrival backstamp; edge wear, Very Fine, A wonderful California transatlantic use showing the 27¢ error rate from Sierra County. ex-Bolton, Feldman. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $350

1857 (Dec. 9) Liverpool, England to Boston, Mass., datelined folded letter with red "Liverpool Paid, DE 9 1857" origin d.s. and manuscript "1" shilling prepaid packet rating, red "21/Cents" credit rating h.s., carried as endorsed by Collins Line Adriatic from Liverpool Dec. 9 to New York arriving Dec. 21, red "Boston Paid, Am. Pkt., 22 Dec" exchange cds, Very Fine and rare sailing., This was the maiden return voyage of the Collins Line Adriatic, this was the only voyage made under the Collins Line. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,150

1858 (May 29) Liverpool, England to New York, N.Y., blue folded letter with rare "Liverpool, F.R.H. MY 29, 1858" origin Floating Receiving House backstamp, bearing two G.B. 1s green singles, tied by barred ovals, red "5/Cents" credit handstamp, carried by Cunard Line Asia from Liverpool May 29 to New York arriving Jun. 10, New York "Paid" arced handstamp; stamps creased; F.-V.F., A rare example of the Liverpool Floating House origin cds. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $200

1858 (Oct. 21) Bridgeport, England to Worcester, Mass, blue registered cover bearing G.B. 6d. purple and 1s. green, tied by "127" barred ovals, red "Registered London 22 OC 58" datestamp with matching "Registered" crown handstamp, red Boston "Paid" (11.5) exchange cds with matching "24" due rating handstamp; 6d faulty and small edge flaws; F.-V.F., a scarce Trans-Atlantic registered cover. Estimate $200 - 300.

1859 (Oct. 20) High-Wycombe, England to New York, N.Y., registered mourning envelope bearing G.B. 6d. purple and 1s. green, tied by "364" barred ovals, red "Registered London 20 OC 59" oval datestamp with matching "Registered" crown handstamp, red New York arrival cds and "36" rating handstamp; some edge wear, Very Fine. Scott No. GB #27 + 28 Estimate $200 - 300.