1850 (Nov. 8) Sanquhar, Scotland to San Francisco, Cal., folded letter with blue "Sanquhar 8 NO 1850" origin cds and red manuscript "Paid 2/5½" rating for all transit fees to destination (59¢ rate), Liverpool (11.9) backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from Liverpool Nov. 9 to New York arriving Nov. 22, San Francisco red "Paid" h.s., Very Fine, uncommon 59¢ rate equivalent to San Francisco. Estimate $500 - 750.
Letter carried by U.S. Mail Steamship Co. steamers "Ohio" and "Pacific" to Havana and Chagres, and from Panama City to San Francisco on Pacific Mail Steamship Co. steamer "Tennessee". Letter in closed mail bag from Liverpool to San Francisco, where small red PAID marking applied.
Realized: $400

1851 (Feb. 1) San Francisco, Cal. to Surry, England, blue folded letter with red San Francisco cds with matching "Paid" and rare "59" rating handstamp for 40¢ West Coast rate via Panama plus 19¢ Transatlantic, Boston red "19" credit handstamp, carried by Cunard Line Europa from Boston Mar. 12 to Liverpool arriving Mar. 23, red Liverpool America (3.23) and London (3.24) arrivals; minor edgewear, Very Fine, a scarce example of the 59¢ ratemarker, ex-Bolton. Estimate $300 - 400.

1851 (Mar. 15) San Francisco, Cal. to Barnes Common, England, folded letter with red "San Francisco Cal. 15 Mar." cds with matching "Paid" and "59" rating h.s. carried by Cunard Line Africa from New York April 23 to Liverpool arriving May 4, New York red "19" credit to G.B., red Liverpool (5.4) and London (5.5) transits, rare 59¢ California usage to England, less than 12 examples of this ratemarker recorded. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter carried by Pacific Mail Steamship Co steamer "Northerner" to Panama and by U.S. Mail Steamship Co steamer "Cherokee" from Chagres to New York. Rate from West Coast included 40¢ cross country fee plus 19¢ transatlantic and British fees. San Francisco marked prepayment in pencil first (upper left) and later struck the "59" rate handstamp, a marking which had been introduced in August 1850.
Realized: $170

1851 (Aug. 14) Edinburgh, Scotland to Boston, Mass., Ocean Penny Postage illustrated propaganda design envelope, State 5a, J. Valentine imprint at left, Johnstone imprint at bottom, red "Paid at Edinh AU 14" origin postmark, Liverpool (8.16) backstamp with red manuscript "1/-" rating and red "5/Cents" credit handstamp, cover slightly restored, Very Fine appearance. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $2,600

1852 (Feb. 16) Glasgow, Scotland to San Francisco, Cal., datelined folded letter with red "Glasgow, Paid, 16, 1852" origin datestamp and red manuscript "2/4" prepaid 2s4d rating for West Indies rate to California, red London (2.17) transit, San Francisco "Paid" handstamp; tiny edge tear, Very Fine and choice. Estimate $300 - 400.
Prepayment included 12d packet rate to St. Thomas, 6d transit to Panama City, and 10d transit to San Francisco. Letter in closed mail bag from London to San Francisco. Mails to California by this route are much less common than by steamer to New York.
Realized: $350

1852 (Apr. 6) Glasgow, Scotland to San Francisco, Cal., folded letter from the Gibbs correspondence endorsed "p. Gregory's Express", carried on Collins Line Arctic from Liverpool Apr. 7 to New York arriving Apr. 19, "Gregory's Atlantic and Pacific, Express, Forwarded By Thompson & Hitchcock, 149 Pearl Street." four-line handstamp, magenta "Rec'd 19 Apl pr 'Arctic' " receipt docketing on front, inside docketed "Rec'd Gregorys Express, p 'Independence', May 27/52"; minor archival tape reinforcing, Very Fine, ex-Frajola, Forster, Bolton. Estimate $400 - 600.
The Vanderbilt Line Independence was later lost at sea on voyage from San Juan del Sud to San Francisco struck shore off Margarita Island and sank killing 309 passengers and crew.
Realized: $725

1853 (Jul. 22) Glasgow, Scotland to San Francisco, Cal., folded cover with yellow "Glasgow, Paid, Jul 22, 1853" origin datestamp and red manuscript "2/5" prepaid 2s5d rating for two-times the 1s2½d rate, green Liverpool (7.23) oval backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Niagara from Liverpool Jul. 23 to Boston arriving Aug. 5, San Francisco "Paid" handstamp; tiny edge tear, Very Fine, a scarce double rate cover. Estimate $150 - 200.

1854, 1856 Glasgow, Scotland to San Francisco, Cal., two folded letters comprising 1854 at the scarce "2/4" prepaid 2s4d rating for West Indies rate to California; and 1856 at the 2/5" prepaid 2s5d rating for two-times the 1s2½d rate via Cunard Line; each with San Francisco "Paid" handstamps; a Very Fine and scarce pair. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $180

1854 (Jul. 7) Liverpool, England to New Orleans La., blue folded printed circular bearing G.B. 1847, 1s. embossed, four large even margins, tied by sharp strike of "Liverpool, 7 JY 1854" duplex, red "5/Cents" credit handstamp, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line Niagara from Liverpool Jul. 8 to Boston arriving Jul. 20, red "Boston Br. Pkt. 'Paid 24' Jul 20" exchange cds; stamp lightly toned, a Very Fine use. Scott No. 5 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $650

1854 (Dec. 8) Liverpool, England to Philadelphia, Pa., cover bearing G.B. 1s. green embossed, cut to shape, tied by "Liverpool 8 DE 1854" oval datestamp, carried by Cunard Line America from Liverpool Dec. 9 to Boston arriving Dec. 25, red "Phila. Br. Pkt. 'Paid 24' Dec 26" exchange cds, red manuscript docketing with Quaker dating; small edge tear and tiny stain, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
With this sailing of Cunard Line "America", Cunard reduced to only fortnightly service because of the Crimea War. .
Realized: $500