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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Transatlantic Mails - Europe - Great Britain (1764 to 1849)

Lots 1179-1188 Lots 1189-1198 Lots 1199-1206

Lot 1199    

(Retaliatory Rates) 1848 (Jun. 24) Liverpool, England to Philadelphia Pa., datelined folded letter with red "Paid at Liverpool, JU 24 1848" framed postmark and matching "1/-" shilling prepaid transatlantic rating, carried as endorsed by Cunard Line Caledonia from Liverpool Jun. 24 to New York arriving Jul. 8, red "New York '29cts.' Jul. 9" due rating cds for 5¢ inland postage plus 24¢ for the American packet rate; Very Fine and choice, Carried on the first Cunard mail voyage to the U.S. states under the retaliatory order.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Letter carried on 1st of 25 Cunard mail voyages to the U.S. under the retaliatory order by which the U.S. charged the American Packet rate on letters carried to or from the U.S. by British contract mail steamers. The result was a double charge for sea postage since the British insisted on charging their own sea postage.

Realized: $350

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Lot 1200    

(Retaliatory Rates) 1848 (Aug. 23) Port Gibson, Miss. to Maidstone, England, folded letter with "Port Gibson Aug. 23" cds and matching "Paid 10" rating handstamp, manuscript "34" unpaid rating, "Liverpool American" (9.25), red London (9.26) and Maidstone (9.26) backstamps with "1/-" handstamp packet due rating, red manuscript "Refused", some aging and edge wear, Fine and scarce refused use from Mississippi.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $475

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Lot 1201    

1848 (Dec. 16) Charleston, S.C. to Edinburgh, Scotland, orange newspaper wrapper endorsed "2 newspapers" with red "Charleston S.C. Dec 16" cds and matching "Paid" handstamp with red manuscript "8-" cents rating, carried by New Line sailing ship Liverpool from New York Dec. 22 to Liverpool arriving Jan. 13, black "13 JA 1849, Liverpool Ship" arrival and manuscript "4" pence retaliatory due rating, red London (1.14) transit, some flaws, Fine and unique prepaid retaliatory newspaper usage.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

The retaliatory order required that newspapers to be carried by foreign vessels also be rated the same as they would have been prepaid in the country of the vessels origin. This wrapper was prepaid in Charleston 8¢, the equivalent of 2x2d, which would have been paid in the U.K. The newspapers, however, were placed on an American sailing vessel and were overpaid since the retaliatory order did not apply to American ships. Liverpool marked 2x2d=4d postage due.

Realized: $500

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Lot 1202    

(Restored Rates) 1848 (Dec. 29) Liverpool, England to Petersburg, Va., folded letter endorsed "p. America", red "Paid at Liverpool, DE 29 1848" postmark and matching "1/-" shilling prepaid packet rating h.s., carried by Cunard Line America from Liverpool Dec. 30 to Boston arriving Jan. 12, red "Boston Ms. 'Ship' Jan 12" cds and red crayon "12" cents due rating for 10¢ inland postage and 2¢ ship fee, Very Fine and rare example of first westbound restored rate sailing.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Letter carried on first of four Cunard mail voyages to the U.S. during six week period when pre-retaliatory rates were resumed before U.S.-U.K. postal convention became effective. Two voyages went to Boston and two to New York. Covers during this period are referred to as "restored rate" covers.

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Lot 1203    

(Restored Rates) 1849 (Jan. 26) Deersville, Oh. to Newport, Isle of Wight, folded cover with Deersville stencil postmark and "Paid" stencil handstamp and matching circular "10" rating handstamp, carried by Cunard Line Canada from New York Feb. 7 to Liverpool arriving Feb. 19, reverse with Liverpool (2.19), London (2.20) and Newport, Isle of Wight (2.21) backstamps, black "1/-" shilling retaliatory packet due handstamp; light file fold soling, F.-V.F., a scarce example from the last eastbound restored rate sailing.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Letter carried on third and last Cunard mail voyage from the U.S. during six week period when pre-retaliatory rates were resumed before U.S.-G.B. postal convention became effective.

Realized: $190

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Lot 1204    

(Restored Rates) 1849 (Feb. 8) Londonderry, Ireland to New York, N.Y., folded letter with red "Paid at Derry" framed h.s. and "Derry FE 8 1849" backstamp, red London "Paid FE 9" cds and magenta "1/-" rating, Liverpool (2.10) backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Europa from Liverpool Feb. 10 to New York arriving Feb. 24, bold strike of New York red circled "6" cents h.s. for the 6¢ ship fee to port regardless of weight, a Very Fine restored rate on the last westbound sailing.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Letter carried on third of four Cunard mail voyages to the U.S. during six week period when pre-retaliatory rates were restored before U.S.-U.K. postal convention became effective. Letter posted and marked paid at Londonderry, name shortened in the marking devices to "DERRY.".

Realized: $140

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Lot 1205    

1849 (Feb. 19) New Orleans, La. to London, England, datelined Feb. 13th letter with "New Orleans La. Feb 19" cds and matching "Paid" with "5" rating handstamps, endorsed "P. West India Mail Steamer" that would route via Mobile, red London (3.31) backstamp and manuscript "1/-" shilling packet due rating; file fold, F.-V.F., a scarce routing via West Indies steamer.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $1,150

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Lot 1206    

(1848/1849 Treaty) 1849 (Feb. 22) London, England to Bentleyville, Pa., folded letter with Sussex Place dateline and "Camden-Town" straightline on back, manuscript "Free" endorsement and red manuscript "1/" shilling packet rating, Liverpool (2.23) transit, carried by Cunard Line America from Liverpool Feb. 24 to Boston arriving Mar. 8, red "Boston Ms. 'Ship' Mar 10" cds with matching "Paid" and "24" rating h.s.; some edgewear, Very Fine, This letter was carried on the first Cunard voyage under the new 1849 convention.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

On February 15, 1849, President James K. Polk signed a proclamation making effect the new United States-Great Britain Postal Convention. The public was not notified until Feb. 24, the date the Cunard steamer "America" departed Liverpool with the first mails from England under the new convention. Adequate instructions were not in place at the U.S. exchange offices of Boston and New York and a variety of errors were made. The new convention allowed mails to and from France to travel in the British open mail through England.

This letter shows that the Boston postal clerks did not know how to treat letters from France under the new convention. This letter was paid only to U.S. port and required postage due in the U.S. Boston, however, marked the letter as fully prepaid. This error in rating is known on mails of this voyage only.

Realized: $725

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Lots 1179-1188 Lots 1189-1198 Lots 1199-1206

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