1764 (July 12) New York, N.Y. to London, England, folded part letter with dateline bearing bold strike of "New York" two-line postmark on reverse and matching partial Franklin mark, manuscript "1N" rating; light edge stain, Fine, an early Colonial packet use. Estimate $500 - 750.

1818 (Feb. 23) Holyhead, Wales to Dedham, Mass. via Ship Milo, folded letter with "Holyhead, 23 FE 18" rimless cds and red manuscript "Pd 10d" and endorsed "To the care of Mr. W. Hope, Liverpool" and also "Milo" at bottom left, rare complete strike of "Ship Milo, S.G. Bronson, Sail'd mar. 27" that sailed from Liverpool and arrived in Boston on Apr. 23, red "Boston Ms. Apr. 23" cds and matching "Ship" straightline handstamp with red manuscript "8" cent due rating, endorsements crossed, Atlantic transit of 45 days, Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050

1839 (Oct. 12) London, England to Shawneetown, Ill., datelined folded letter, carried as endorsed by the Great Western that departed Bristol Oct. 19 to New York arriving Nov. 2, red "2nd Delivery" straightline handstamp, matching "New-York 'Ship' Nov 5" cds and manuscript "27" rating, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $110

1839 (Dec. 12) Richmond, Va. to Liverpool, England, folded letter with red "Richmond Va. Dec. 12" cds and matching "Paid" h.s. with red manuscript "18¾" cent rating for postage to New York, reverse with matching red "Steam" and "Paid" h.s. with manuscript "25" rating for freight money fee, carried by Transatlantic S.S. Co. Liverpool from New York Dec. 15 to Liverpool arriving Jan. 11, "Liverpool/Ship Letter" backstamp with "8" pence due rating for ship fee, F.-V.F., Very Fine, Carried on the Final Return Voyage of the Transatlantic S.S. Co. Liverpool & the first sailing showing the uniform 8d rate. Estimate $300 - 400.
Liverpool put into Fayal, Azores on Dec. 31st for coal. She departed there on Jan. 4th in the evening for Liverpool according to John Pllock, the Liverpool agent for the Line.
Realized: $350

1841 (Nov. 3) London, England to Plymouth, Mass., folded letter with red London Paid datestamp and manuscript "1/" prepaid rating, very rare Liverpool "Lp." circular handstamp and matching (11.4) backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Caledonia from Liverpool Nov. 4 to Boston arriving Nov. 18, red "Boston Ms. 'Ship' Nov 19" cds and manuscript "32" due rating for 24¢ packet plus 6¢ inland and 2¢ ship fee, F.-V.F., a rare Liverpool marking. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $850

1842 (Jan. 3) Manchester, England to Boston, Mass., folded cover with red "Manchester JA 3 1842" origin d.s. and red manuscript "1/-" shilling prepaid packet rating, Liverpool "D, Jan 4, 1842" octagon backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Britannia from Liverpool Jan. 4 to Boston arriving Jan. 21, Boston red "Ship/6" fancy ribbon due h.s.; some docketing on front, Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Letter marked one penny in red ink for British inland fee in error and then marked 1 shilling for the packet rate. Liverpool transit octagonal datestamp on reverse has the code letter "D" at the top, a scarce version of the uncommon octagonal marking. Less than a half dozen examples have been recorded and they were used for a three week period from December 1841-January 1842.
Realized: $800

1842 (Mar. 11) Buffalo, N.Y. to London, England, blue Mar. 11 oval datestamp with matching fancy "Paid" handstamps and manuscript "25" rating, originally endorsed for Cunard Line Columbia, but carried by Cunard Line Unicorn departing Boston Apr. 2 and mail transferred to the Columbia that returned Apr. 20 by sail, red London (4.21) arrival backstamp and manuscript "1/2" 1s2d due rating on flap; cover toned, Fine and very rare sailing, ex-Pullin. Estimate $300 - 400.
"Columbia" arrived at Halifax under canvas, having broken a shaft about 450 miles from Halifax on her Mar. 4 sailing from Liverpool. Her mails were transferred to Cunard auxiliary steamer "Unicorn" who carried them to Boston, this letter caught the return sailing to Halifax where the mails were transferred.

1844 (Mar. 4) Elk Grove, Wisc. Terr. to Kilmun, Scotland, folded cover with manuscript "Elk Grove W.T. March 4" postmark with sender "Paid" and matching "25" rating, addressed to Captn. Murray, black "1/-" shilling trans-Atlantic packet due handstamp, reverse with Liverpool "America / L" oval and Greenock (4.26) rectangular handstamps; two tiny edge tears, Very Fine, A scarce Trans-Atlantic use from Wisconsin Territory. Estimate $300 - 400.
Elk Grove, Wisc. Territory postmark is recorded from Aug. 18, 1836 to March 4, 1844, this is the latest recorded use in the ASCC.
Realized: $220

1845 (Jan. 2) Edinburgh, Scotland to New York, N.Y., folded letter with "Paid at Edinh, Jan. 2" cds and red manuscript "1/-" rating, red "Paid/1d Edin" framed handstamp, Liverpool (1.4) backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Cambria from Liverpool Jan. 4 to Boston arriving Jan. 24, blue manuscript "20¾" rating for 18¾¢ inland postage plus 2¢ ship fee, F.-V.F., Carried on the maiden voyage of the Cunard Line Cambria. ex-Pullin. Estimate $200 - 300.

1845 (Jun. 2) Birmingham, England to Philadelphia Pa., folded letter with "Birmingham, JU 2 1845" cds and red manuscript "1" shilling prepaid packet rating, Liverpool (6.3) backstamp, carried by Cunard Line Caledonia from Liverpool Jun. 4 to Boston arriving Jun. 19, perfect strike of Philadelphia blue "20 ¾" due rating handstamp, Very Fine and choice, ex-Gibson. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200