1855 (Jun. 11) Freeport Ills. to Württemburg, Germany, cds on orange cover and manuscript "22" due rating, black "N. York U.S. Pkt. '14' Jun 16" debit exchange cds (Winter 153), carried by Ocean Line Washington from New York Jun. 16 to Southampton arriving Jun. 29, red "24/9 KrR America uber Bremen" handstamp (Linden 3319), Wurttemberg (7.6) backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

1855 (Sep. 6) New York, N.Y. to Bremen, orange buff envelope with pencil "10" prepaid rating and red "N. York U.S. Pkt. 'Paid 1' Sep 6" exchange credit cds, carried by Ocean Line Hermann from New York Sep. 8 to Bremerhaven arriving Sep. 24, Very Fine, a scarce New York 1¢ credit circular datestamp. Estimate $150 - 200.
Under the second Bremen Treaty, of the 10¢ prepaid, the U.S. was entitled to 5¢ internal fee and 4¢ sea transit fee since an American contract steamship carried the letter to Bremerhaven. Bremen was entitled to 1¢ of the international fee.
Realized: $115

1856 (Feb. 9) New York, N.Y. to Germany, folded letter at two-times the 30¢ Prussian Closed Mail rate with black "N.York Am. Pkt. '46' Feb 9" (Winter 18) exchange cds, carried by Havre Line Fulton from New York to Havre, red Aachen (2.26) and arrival backstamps, blue manuscript due ratings, F.-V.F., This was the Maiden Voyage of the Havre Line Fulton. Estimate $200 - 300.
The steamer Fulton was delayed 48 hours en route due to icebergs.
Realized: $170

1857 (Jul. 7) Schwientochlowitz, Prussia to New York, N.Y., cover with Schwientochlowitz (7.7) origin cds and sent unpaid, Bremen (7.9) and manuscript "10/20" debit rating, carried by Vanderbilt Line Ariel from Bremerhaven July 11 to New York arriving July 29, "N. York U.S. Pkt. '30' Jul 29" exchange debit cds, some light aging and wear, Fine, the discovery example of N.YORK U.S. PKT. 30 cds, Ariel brought the first contract mails into New York for the Vanderbilt Line. Estimate $400 - 600.
This was the first trip advertised to carry regular post office mails by the Vanderbilt Line. Prussian post office marked 2x2=4 silbergroschen for internal German transit fees. Bremen showed breakdown of total fees, 10 grote (10¢) German and 20 grote international fees for double rate letter.
Realized: $250

1858 (Mar. 31) Hamburg to Brooklyn, N.Y., cover with red "Hamburg Paid" (3.31) cds and matching "10" rating handstamp, carried as endorsed by Hapag Line Saxonia from Hamburg Apr. 1 to New York arriving Apr. 20, red "N. York Hamb. Pkt. Apr 20" exchange cds; some edge wear, Very Fine, Carried on the Maiden Voyage of the Hapag Line Saxonia. Estimate $150 - 200.

1858 (C.) (Jul. 1) New York, N.Y. to Bad-Durkheim, Bavaria, folded cover with "N. York Brem. Pkt. '3' Jul 1" exchange cds (Winter 52), blue "America/uber Bremen" two-line transit and matching large "22" debit handstamp, Frankfurt (7.16) and Durkheim (7.17) backstamps; Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $90

1858 (Aug. 22) Bremen to New York, N.Y., folded letter with "Bremen 22 8" framed d.s. with blue "2" silbergroschen fancy script debit to Prussia, Aachen (8.23) transit and ms "5" debit to U.S., carried by Havre Line Fulton from Southampton Aug. 25 to New York arriving Sep. 7, New York blue blue crayon "30" due rating; two file folds, F.-V.F., a scarce Bremen "2" sbr. debit marking to Prussia with very few examples recorded. Estimate $150 - 200.

1858 (Sep. 10) Bremen, Germany to New York, N.Y., Bremen double-circle datestamp and matching "10" debit rating on blue folded cover, carried as endorsed by NGL Line Hudson from Bremerhaven Sep. 11 to New York arriving Sep. 26, sharp "N.York Brem. Pkt. Sep 26" exchange cds, pencil street address for carrier delivery, Very Fine, A rare example from the maiden voyage of the NGL Line Hudson, which turned out to be the only one for the NGL line. Estimate $300 - 400.
On November 2, 1858, the NGL Hudson was badly damaged by fire at her berth in Bremerhaven just before she was to start her second voyage. This ended her career with the line.
Realized: $260

1858 (Oct. 28) Bremen, Germany to New York, N.Y., blue datelined folded letter with framed postmark and matching "10" due rating, carried as endorsed by Vanderbilt Line Vanderbilt from Bremerhaven Oct. 30 to New York arriving Nov. 15, bold black "New-York U.S. Pkt. 16" exchange cds, Very Fine, This was the last Vanderbilt Line voyage carrying Bremen mails. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $220

1859 (Sep. 29) Rochester, N.Y. to Gaildorf, Wurttemberg, amber cover bearing 1857, 3¢ dull red tied by "Rochester N.Y. Sep 29, 1859" cds and with manuscript "60cts" unpaid rating for double the 30¢ Prussian Closed Mail rate, "N. York Br. Pkt. '46' Oct 4" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Arabia from Boston Oct. 4 to Liverpool arriving Oct. 15, various red and blue manuscript ratings, Stuttgart (10.19) and Gaildorf (10.20) backstamps; no flap and opened for display slightly trimmed on back, Very Fine, attractive use at the 60¢ double PCM rate. Scott No. 26 Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $350