1847 (Dec.) [New York, N.Y.] to Berlin, Germany, folded cover carried on Fulton Line from New York to Le Havre, bold red "Outre-Mer, Le Havre, 17 Dec 47" cds, Aachen framed "America per Havre." handstamp (Verderlinden 113), manuscript ratings including red "23", Berlin (12.17) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, a choice strike of the rare America per Havre handstamp. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $675

(Retaliatory Rates) 1848 (Nov. 20) Bremen to Petersburg, Va., folded letter endorsed "p. Steamer Via Ostend" with Bremen (11.20) cds and matching "Franco" straightline, London (11.23) and Liverpool (11.24) transits with magenta "1/8" 1s8d credit rating to G.B., carried by Cunard Line Canada from Liverpool Nov. 25 to New York arriving Dec. 14, red "New York 'Ship 34cts" entry cds for 10¢ inland postage plus 24¢ packet fee, Very Fine and scarce retaliatory rate cover from Germany. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter carried on the 23rd of 25 Cunard mail west bound voyages to the U.S. under the retaliatory order.
Realized: $250

1850 (Apr. 13) Milwaukee, Wis. to Saxe-Meiningen, Germany, folded cover with blue cds, red "New-York Apr 22" transit backstamp and manuscript "34" cent debit rating, carried by Ocean Line Washington from New York May 21 to Bremen arriving Jun. 5, red "12¾ America/über Bremen" h.s. (Linden 3306) and red manuscript "14-1/12" debit rating, various manuscript ratings, blue Meiningen (6.12) arrival backstamp, Very Fine, Scarce cover under the 1847 Bremen Convention., ex-Pullin. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

1851 (Dec. 22) Rochester, N.Y. to Tubingen, Wurttemberg, folded letter with "Rochester N.Y. Dec 22" cds and manuscript "34" due rating for Bremen Closed Mail rate, corrected in New York with "20" unpaid handstamp and red "New York Dec 25" exchange cds, carried by Cunard Line Europa from New York Jan. 1 to Liverpool, scarce red "America/uber/Bremen 33/9" handstamp, as well as a light strike in black of the Thurn & Taxis "Aus Amerika/Uber Preussen" transit handstamp, reverse with "Minden (1.20) transit and blue (1.24) arrival cds, blue manuscript "42" Kr. due rating; light soiling, F.-V.F. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $190

1852 (Mar. 18) Wooster, Oh. to Schuttertal, Baden, folded cover with "Wooster Ohio. Mar 18" cds and two strikes of "Paid/3" rating handstamp, overstruck with New York "20" rating for the unpaid 20¢ Bremen packet rate, carried on Ocean Line Washington from New York to Bremen, red "America/uber/Bremen 33/9" transit, Minden (4.22) and Baden (4.24) backstamps, blue manuscript "42" Kr. due rating, F.-V.F., ex-Pullin. Estimate $150 - 200.

1852 (Oct. 2) New York, N.Y. to Wurttemberg, datelined folded letter with black "New York '20' Oct 2" debit exchange cds, red "32/9 R America/Bremen" exchange postmark, blue manuscript "41" Kr. due rating, Minden (10.19) backstamp, blue German (10.23) arrival backstamp; Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.

1853 (Sep. 14) Warrensville, Pa. to Freudenstadt, Württemberg, folded letter with manuscript "Warrenville Sept 14" postmark and "Paid 7" rating, "N. York Brem. Pkt. '5' Sep 19" exchange debit cds, carried by W.A. Fritze Line Germania from New York Sep. 19 to Bremerhaven arriving Oct. 8; some soiling and wear, Fine, Letter carried on maiden return voyage of Germania on first round voyage of the line. Germania made four of the nine round voyages between Bremerhaven and New York carrying mails for this very short-lived Bremen steamship company attempting to compete with the American Ocean Line. Estimate $300 - 400.
Letter prepayment believed to be 5¢ internal plus 2¢ ship fee, a non-existent rate. New York ignored the prepayment, since it was less than the full amount to Bremen, and sent letter unpaid. The Bremen handstamp showed that 24 Rhennish kreuzer was the unpaid international transit postage and 9 kr. the German internal transit to Württemberg, for a total postage due of 33 kr. Additional fees were imposed in Württemberg (reasons unknown) bringing the postage due to 46¢.

1854 (Feb. 2) Horb, Wurttemberg to Uhrichsville, Oh., double-weight folded letter with "Horb/2 Feb 1854" two-line postmark, Bremen (2.6) backstamp and manuscript "14/30" marking for postage and transit fees, carried by Ocean Line Washington from Bremen Feb. 24 to New York arriving Mar. 16, black "N. York Brem. Pkt. '44' Mar 17" debit exchange cds, remained undelivered and unclaimed for more than seven months, returned as dead letter to New York with red "Not Called For" fancy ribbon backstamp, returned to Bremen on Ocean Line Washington, returned unpaid letters were rated 41 kr. per loth so total due was "1f22" (82kr.) shown in manuscript, reverse shows "Commission fur Retourbriefe" label applied by Wurttemberg post office, some wear, Fine, A rare returned transatlantic letter from Wurttemberg. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $140

1855 (Feb. 20) Mainz, Hesse-Darmstadt to Boston, Mass., mourning cover with "Mainz, 20 Feb 1855" double circle date stamp, black "PD" paid direct h.s., large circled "P." prepaid h.s., red London (2.23) transit and red manuscript "16" credit to the U.S., carried by Collins Line Pacific from Liverpool Feb. 27 to New York arriving Mar. 14, "Boston Am. Pkt. Mar 15" backstamp and matching "5" cent due rating h.s., Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.
Prepayment shown lower left in magenta ink, 9 kreuzer internal and 38 kreuzer (or 10¾ silbergroschen) for transit fees beyond the German-Austrian Postal Union under Anglo-Prussian Convention of 1852. British credit included 8d transatlantic and 4d British internal fees. Since American packet carried letter across Atlantic, G.B. credited 16¢ to U.S.
Realized: $230

1855 (May 19) New York, N.Y. to Schorndorf, Wurttemberg, orange buff cover with bold "N.York U.S. Pkt. '14' May 19" exchange cds, carried by Ocean Line Hermann from New York May 19 to Bremen arriving Jun. 6, red "24/9 Kr. R. America uber Bremen" integral transit, Frankfurt (6.8) and Schorndorf (6.10) backstamps, blue manuscript "33" kr. due rating; slight wrinkling, Very Fine and scarce. Estimate $150 - 200.
Bremen handstamp in red shows break down of full rate in Rhennish kreuzer, 24 kr. international transit and 9 kr. German internal transit fees.