French Offices in China, French Military Mail in China, 1861 (Nov. 20) To Lyon, France, stampless cover with "Corps Exp. Chine, Bau Central, 20 Nov" cds and matching "10" décimes due handstamp, Marseilles (1.10) and Lyon (1.11) backstamps, cover tear, Fine and scarce. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $230

French Offices in China, French Military Mail in China, 1900 (Nov. 2) To Besancon, France, legal size stampless cover with "Tresor et Postes aux Armées, 5 Chine 5, 2 Nov 00" cds, endorsed "Corps expeditionnaire" at top right, light staining, Fine. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $105

German Offices in China, 1898, 3pf-50pf Complete, 56 & 45 Degree Overprints, Shanghai to Germany, each neatly tied to registered envelope by "Shanghai 7/11, 00, Deutsche Post" cds's, Boxer Rebellion period, matching registry label and receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Scott No. 1-5, 6a. Michel No. 1-5I, 6 II; €278 ($380) Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $115

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Italian Offices in China, 1917, 8c on 20c on 15c Slate, regummed, Very Fine and rare; signed Bloch. Scott No. 7 $4,000.
Realized: $525

Italian Offices in Peking, 1917 Victor Emmanuel III 2¢ on 5c Green & 4¢ on 10c Claret, both tied on piece by "R.R. Poste Italiane / Pechino-Cina / 27.10.17" town cancels, F.-V.F. and attractive, signed Bloch. Scott No. 1, 3 $410. Sassone No. 1-2 €675 ($930).