
Jordan, 1930, 2m Locust Campaign, Inverted Overprint, top left corner margin block of 15, o.g., never hinged (natural gum skips), fresh and Very Fine, an impressive error multiple in never hinged condition, ex Pattiz; with 1992 R.P.S. certificate. Scott No. B1a. SG No. 183a £4,500 for o.g. ($7,280).
Realized: $2,200

Cape of Good Hope - Mafeking, 1900, 2s on 1s Green, tied on piece by Mafeking town cancel, well centered, bold color, Very Fine; with 1981 R.P.S. certificate. Scott No. 177. SG No. 16 £550 ($890).
Realized: $425


Malacca, 1942, 3¢ Green, Red Government Seal Overprint, block of 4 showing complete handstamp, o.g., never hinged, bright and fresh, Very Fine; signed E. Bowie, with 2012 A.P.S. certificate. Scott No. N3 $1,944. SG No. J47 £1,420 ($2,300).
Realized: $600

Muscat, 1944, 3p-1r Officials Complete, tied by "Muscat, 29 Jly. 45" cds's (Donaldson type 14) on cover to London, England, air mail etiquette, Very Fine, philatelic but rare. Scott No. O1-O10. SG No. O1-O10 Estimate $400 - 600.

New Zealand, 1883 Hand Illustrated Cover, ink drawing showing Man with Sign and stamp holder bearing New Zealand 1d lilac cancelled by blue crayon and tied by oval grids, endorsed "Via San Francisco", reverse with partial Christchurch cds and red London (9.26) arrival cds. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $140

Lot 96 o
New Zealand, 1913 Auckland Exhibition Complete, neat town cancels, all with rich bright color, a Very Fine set. Scott No. 130e-137e $1,000.SG No. 412/15 £600 ($970).
Realized: $130

North Borneo, 1944, 3¢, 6¢, 12¢, 15¢ and 25¢ Overprinted, singles of each tied by Jan. 17th cds on buff cover to Brunei, Borneo, F.-V.F. Scott No. N18, N20, N23-24, N26 Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $160

Pitcairn Islands, Pitcairn Island N.Z. Postal Agency, 1939 (Dec 14), Agency c.d.s. with ''AHUREI / ILE RAPA 17-12-39'' c.d.s. alongside, visit of the U.S.S. ''North Star'' carrying Rear Admiral Byrd and 44 members of the U.S. Antarctic Service, anchored off Pitcairn for water and repairs, with printed ''Aboard the ANTARCTIC SNOW CRUISER''on the unused envelope, rare item. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $300

Lot 99 o
Rhodesia, 1913, King George V "Admiral", £1 Black & Deep Violet, Head Die III, Perf 14, neat town cancels, nicely centered, Very Fine. Scott No. 138 var.SG No. 279b £700 ($1,130).
Realized: $270

Lot 100 o
Samoa, 1877, 1d Deep Sky Blue, State I, position 17 (R3/4), thin paper, neat July 31, 1878 town cancel, exceptional centering, gorgeous vibrant color, Extremely Fine, a lovely gem. Scott No. 1c $400.SG No. 1 £180 ($290).
Realized: $475