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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Canada - Regular Issues

Lots 43-52 Lots 53-62 Lots 63-69

Lot 63    

Canada, 1924, King George V "Admiral", 3¢ Carmine, Imperf, bottom margin block of 4 with lathework, o.g., never hinged, deep color, fresh and Very Fine. SG No. 261.
Scott No. 138    $130 for singles.

Realized: $100

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Lot 64 /   

Canada, 1926, King George V "Admiral", 2¢ on 3¢ Carmine, right margin pyramid guideline block of 4, o.g., top right stamp hinged, others never hinged (small gum skip on each bottom stamp), fresh and Very Fine. SG No. 264.
Scott No. 139    $325.

Realized: $300

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Lot 65    

Canada, 1929, 50¢ Bluenose, top margin single, o.g., never hinged, wide margins, Very Fine and choice. SG No. 284.
Scott No. 158    $450.

Realized: $290

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Lot 66    

Canada, 1929, $1 Parliament, o.g., never hinged, bright color, fresh and immaculate, Very Fine and choice; with photocopy of 2007 P.F. certificate for block. SG No. 285.
Scott No. 159    $600.

Realized: $375

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Lot 67    

Canada, 1930, 1¢-$1 King George V "Maple Leaf" Definitives Complete, o.g., never hinged, $1.00 right margin single, all with strong bright colors, a Very Fine set. SG No. 288-297,300-305.
Scott No. 162-177    $1,012.

Realized: $250

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Lot 68    

Canada, 1930, $1 Mt. Cavell, o.g., never hinged, wide margins and choice centering, fresh and pristine, Extremely Fine and choice. SG No. 297.
Scott No. 177    $350.

Realized: $170

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Lot 69    

Canada, 1942-43, 1¢-$1 King George VI "War" Definitives Complete, blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, all bright and fresh, a Very Fine set. SG No. 375-388.
Scott No. 249-262    $771 for singles.

Realized: $280

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Lots 43-52 Lots 53-62 Lots 63-69

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