Turkey, Newspaper, 1891, 20pa Rose & Gray, Black "Imprime" Sideways Between Stamps, perf 13¼, complete sheet of 100, o.g., one stamp with tear, some perf flaws and usual reinforcing in places, otherwise F.-V.F. for this, the only recorded full sheet of the 1891 20pa Newspaper and one of the highlights of the Imprime issues, ex Beraha & Garmiryan; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 65A var. Scott No. P11 var.; $7,500 for singles Estimate $6,000 - 8,000.

Turkey, Newspaper, 1891, 5pi Buff & Gray, perf 13¼, o.g., bright and fresh, Very Fine, ex Beraha, Garmiryan & Alanyali; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 68A. Scott No. P14 $1,050.

Turkey, Newspaper, 1891, 5pi Buff & Gray, Black "Imprime" Handstamp Inverted, o.g., never hinged, bright and fresh, Very Fine, a very rare and choice never hinged stamp, ex Kuyas, Garmiryan & Alanyali; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 68A var. Scott No. P14 var. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

Turkey, Newspaper, 1891, 5pi Pale Orange Brown & Gray, full o.g., well centered, Very Fine and choice, a rare shade of this key high value; with 2005 Isfila certificate. Michel No. 68A var. Scott No. P14 var. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

Lot 575 o
Turkey, Newspaper, 1891, 5pi Buff & Gray, Blue "Imprime" Handstamp, perf 13¼, neat blue 1891 town cancel, F.-V.F., a great rarity in unused condition, listed but unpriced be Michel in used condition, ex Garmiryan & Alanyali; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 68A.Scott No. P14 var. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

Turkey, Newspaper, 1891, 5pi Buff & Gray, Imperforate, "Imprime" Handstamp Sideways Between Stamps, horizontal pair, full o.g., large even margins, fresh and Extremely Fine, One of the Highlights of the 1891 Imprime Issues, ex Beraha, Kuyas, Garmiryan & Alanyali; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 68A var. Scott No. P14 var. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.

577 o
Turkey, Newspaper, 1892, 10pa Gray Green, block of 8, boxed bilingual "Dersaadet Mersule - Istanbul Despart" cancels, Very Fine, this being the largest recorded used multiple of the 1892 10pa Newspaper Issue, ex Beraha, Garmiryan & Alanyali; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 74. Scott No. P25; $800 for singles Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $400

Turkey, Newspaper, 1892, 10pa-5pi Issues Complete, o.g., 1pi never hinged, 20pa without gum, all bright and fresh, 20pa & 2pi with inverted overprints, a Very Fine set; 20pa signed Vachat, 5pi signed Richter, 1pi-5pi values with 2008 Isfila certificates. Michel No. 74-78. Scott No. P25-P29 $3,860.

Turkey, Newspaper, 1892, 20pa Rose, horizontal pair, full o.g., couple light creases in right stamp at bottom, otherwise Very Fine, an extremely rare multiple, with this being one of only two recorded pairs, ex Beraha, Kuyas and Garminyan; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 75. Scott No. P26 $2,500 for singles.

Turkey, Newspaper, 1892, 1pi Pale Blue, block of 25, o.g., mostly never hinged, bright and fresh, some sensible reinforcement, Very Fine, the Largest Recorded Multiple of the 1892 1pi Newspaper Issue and one of the highlights of the Imprime issues; with 2009 Y. Nakri certificate. Michel No. 76. Scott No. P27 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $2,000