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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico - 1879-82 Juárez & Numeral Issues

Lots 453-462 Lots 463-470

Lot 463 /o   

Mexico, 1879, 2c//85c Juarez Issues, Ciudad Bravos, 3 stamps (Scott 124-125 & 129) - 2c mute, 5c, district 48 used - Schimmer GRO 14/2, 85c unused, latter 2 with C. Bravos name, Very Fine.
Scott No. 124//129    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $150

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Lot 464 /o   

Mexico, 1879-82 Juarez and Numeral Issues, Mazatlan, 22 stamps (#124-128, 141-142, 146-147 & 149), district 27, 18 with district name including 24c, 25c (2), 50c (3) and 100c yellow, only 2 unused, a 5c red 2783 Habilitado on a Veracruz 381, Very Fine overall.
Scott No. 124//149    Estimate $300 - 400.

Realized: $300

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Lot 465    

Mexico, 1879, 5c Juarez, Merida, cons 2682, on envelope to NYC from Escalante and Sons, 20 February 1882, Schimmer YUC 32/1+ standard mute, inscribed "por B. Empire."; cover edge wear and tears at top, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 125    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $100

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Lot 466    

Mexico, 1879, 5c Juarez, Zacatecas, cons 282, red district name, Zacatecas purple postmarks on cover dated 24 April 1882, to Boston, Mass, NYC receiver on reverse, F.-V.F.
Scott No. 125    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $150

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Lot 467    

Mexico, 1879, 10c Juarez, Campeche, cons 5080, mute "0" cancel on letter to Nantes, France, dated and docketed Laguna de Terminos, 03 January 1881, via NYC, Calais and with a Nantes receiver dated 03 February, letter in French, Very Fine.
Scott No. 126    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $325

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Lot 468    

Mexico, 1882, 12c Brown, Mexico, con 5483, tied by bold purple Mexico oval date stamp on 1883 cover to Rome, Italy, reverse with red London transit and receiving cds's; cover reduced at right, Very Fine.
Scott No. 136    Estimate $200 - 300.

Current Opening Bid: $190

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Lot 469 o   

Mexico, 1882, 50c Juarez Issue, Tampico, cons 1483, used with district name, mute "0" cancel, Extremely Fine; with 1998 MEPSI certificate.
Scott No. 141    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $100

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Lot 470    

Mexico, 1882, 85c Juarez, Texcoco, cons 1182, with name and numbers overprints, o.g., Extremely Fine; signed Horowitz.
Scott No. 143    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $100

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Lots 453-462 Lots 463-470

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