Mexico, 1879, 2c//85c Juarez Issues, Ciudad Bravos, 3 stamps (Scott 124-125 & 129) - 2c mute, 5c, district 48 used - Schimmer GRO 14/2, 85c unused, latter 2 with C. Bravos name, Very Fine. Scott No. 124//129 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150
Mexico, 1879-82 Juarez and Numeral Issues, Mazatlan, 22 stamps (#124-128, 141-142, 146-147 & 149), district 27, 18 with district name including 24c, 25c (2), 50c (3) and 100c yellow, only 2 unused, a 5c red 2783 Habilitado on a Veracruz 381, Very Fine overall. Scott No. 124//149 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $300

Mexico, 1879, 5c Juarez, Merida, cons 2682, on envelope to NYC from Escalante and Sons, 20 February 1882, Schimmer YUC 32/1+ standard mute, inscribed "por B. Empire."; cover edge wear and tears at top, F.-V.F. Scott No. 125 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

Mexico, 1879, 5c Juarez, Zacatecas, cons 282, red district name, Zacatecas purple postmarks on cover dated 24 April 1882, to Boston, Mass, NYC receiver on reverse, F.-V.F. Scott No. 125 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Mexico, 1879, 10c Juarez, Campeche, cons 5080, mute "0" cancel on letter to Nantes, France, dated and docketed Laguna de Terminos, 03 January 1881, via NYC, Calais and with a Nantes receiver dated 03 February, letter in French, Very Fine. Scott No. 126 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1882, 12c Brown, Mexico, con 5483, tied by bold purple Mexico oval date stamp on 1883 cover to Rome, Italy, reverse with red London transit and receiving cds's; cover reduced at right, Very Fine. Scott No. 136 Estimate $200 - 300.
Current Opening Bid: $190

Lot 469 o
Mexico, 1882, 50c Juarez Issue, Tampico, cons 1483, used with district name, mute "0" cancel, Extremely Fine; with 1998 MEPSI certificate.Scott No. 141 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

Mexico, 1882, 85c Juarez, Texcoco, cons 1182, with name and numbers overprints, o.g., Extremely Fine; signed Horowitz. Scott No. 143 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100