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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico - 1868-72 Full Face Hidalgo Issues

Lots 412-421 Lots 422-431 Lots 432-441 Lots 442-445

Lot 442    

Mexico, 1868, 50c Black on Yellow, Zacatecas, imperf, tied by blue Carro oval handstamp (Schatzkes 1860) on 1871 cover to Encarnacion, Very Fine.
Scott No. 62    Estimate $250 - 350.

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Lot 443    

Mexico, 1868, 25c Blue on Pink, perf'd, cons 21-70, letter from Rosales (Schatzkes 1656B - 50 points) to Parral docketed and dated 21 May 1870, Renteria correspondence, Very Fine; signed J.K. Bash.
Scott No. 68    Estimate $100 - 150.

Realized: $90

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Lot 444 /o   

Mexico, 1872, 12c-25c Hidalgo Issues, "Anotado", Stout's exhibit page with seven 1871 unused 12c (Queretaro, Oaxaca, Chihuahua, Guadalajara) and eight 25c - one used (Veracruz, Queretaro, Zacatecas, Durango, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Lagos), with a note dated 5 October 1981 "from the desk of John K. Bash" to Karl Schimmer authenticating these stamps as genuine "Types of Mexico.", Very Fine.
Scott No. 72//78    Estimate $400 - 600.

Realized: $425

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Lot 445    

Mexico, 1872, 25c Blue on Pink "Anotado", Morelia, imperf, cons 10-71, block of 8, full o.g., with one stamp creased and thin, otherwise Very Fine and rare; with 1988 MEPSI certificate.
Scott No. 73    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $400

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Lots 412-421 Lots 422-431 Lots 432-441 Lots 442-445

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