Mexico, 1868, 6c-50c Hidalgo Issues, 6 exhibit pages showing retouches on each of the four thin figure values, along with a normal stamp without retouches for comparison, 6c - 8 retouches and 5 normal, 12c - 3 retouches and 2 normal, 25c 7 retouches and 5 normal, 50c - 2 retouches and 1 normal, 6c Stone A, 12c, 25c and 50c Stone B, nicely illustrated study, 34 stamps, Very Fine. Scott No. 46-55 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

Mexico, 1868, 12c Black on Green + 25c Blue on Pink, Saltillo, cons 30-68 official wrapper from Nadadores to Monclova, Nadadores cancel, manuscript dated 01 December 1868, Schatzkes 1408B in red (40 points) with companion franco, Very Fine, ex Ricoy. Scott No. 47+48 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $150

Mexico, 1868, 25c Blue on Pink, Saltillo, imperf, cons 30-68, letter Viezca to Monterrey dated and docketed 20 February 1869, Schatzkes 1432 only recorded as sello negro from the eagle issue on, Very Fine. Scott No. 48 Estimate $100 - 150.

Lot 415 o
Mexico, 1868, 50c Black on Yellow, Acapulco, imperf, cons 25-68, canceled Schatzkes 4, a rare stamp with four full margins, most known are perf'd, Very Fine.Scott No. 49 Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, 1868, 50c Black on Yellow, Colima, imperf, cons 11-69, folded letter sheet to Guadalajara dated and docketed 15 February 1870, blue commercial cachet, Kunhardt correspondence, Very Fine. Scott No. 49 Estimate $300 - 400.

Lot 417 o
Mexico, 1868, 100c Black on Brown, Cordova, imperf, cons 20-69, full margins, Very Fine, very scarce.Scott No. 50 Estimate $300 - 400.
Lot 418 o
Mexico, 1868, 100c Brown on Brownish, Matamoros, cons 9-68, imperforate, Matamoros seal cancel (Schatzkes 735), touched at top, clean face, F.-V.F.Scott No. 51 Estimate $300 - 400.

419 (
Mexico, 1868, 25c Blue on Pink + 50c Black on Yellow, Two Singles, Mexico, perf'd, certified front to Veracruz from district Mexico 1-68, complete and unlisted Mexico Certification box with receipt endorsement on reverse dated 26 December 1868., Very Fine. Scott No. 54+55 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $100

Lot 420 o
Mexico, 1868, 100c Black on Brown, Chihuahua, perf'd, cons 21-69, used with 4 margins, F.-V.F., unlisted perf'd, ex Josling, Larranaga.Scott No. 56 Estimate $200 - 300.

Mexico, 1868, 6c Black on Buff, Pair, Tlaxcala, imperf, cons 40-70 on folded letter sheet to Puebla with 30 June 1871 receiver on reverse, complete postmark and full margins on this most difficult of districts, Very Fine. Scott No. 58 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $200