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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico - 1856-67 Hidalgo Issues

Lots 388-397 Lots 398-407 Lots 408-411

Lot 398    

Mexico, 1856, 4r Red, Tixtla Guerrero, o.g., hinge remnant, margins full to just shaving at lower right, natural paper wrinkles, F.-V.F., NF $500 for used, only 870 sent, ex Dormer.
Scott No. 4    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Lot 399    

Mexico, 1856, 4r Red, Half Used As 2r, Zacatecas, left half of stamp with district overprint, tied by Fresnillo boxed handstamp (Schatzkes 1867) on 1858 folded letter to Sombrerete, Very Fine; signed A. Diena, with 1994 MEPSI certificate.
Scott No. 4a    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Lot 400    

Mexico, 1856, 8r Red Lilac, Mexico, showing guideline in left margin, tied by Mexico cds on 1859 folded letter sheet to New Orleans, La., with "Por Extrano., Abril 19 1859" express endorsement at top left, circular "Steamship 20" handstamp and "New Orleans, La., Apr 26, 1859" receiving cds; some reinforced file folds, Very Fine, rare express rate and maritime mail combination usage, this rate only existed from Mexico to Vera Cruz and was double the rate of normal service, probably no more than 30-40 covers exist with an 8 reales stamp; signed Calves.
Scott No. 5    Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.

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Lot 401 o   

Mexico, 1861, ½r Black on Buff, Lagos, criss cross strikes of straight line Lagos cancel (Schatzkes 657), huge margins, an Extremely Fine gem, NF $750, 612 sent but only 2-3 singles are known and one cover; with 2003 MEPSI certificate.
Scott No. 6    Estimate $500 - 750.

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Lot 402    

Mexico, 1861, ½r Black on Buff, Horizontal Strip of 4, San Luis Potosi, clear to huge margins, tied by monogram wreath cancels (Schatzkes 1454) on folded letter sheet to Mexico City, San Luis Potosi cds and receiving backstamp, Very Fine, ex Mazepa.
Scott No. 6    Estimate $250 - 350.

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Lot 403    

Mexico, 1861, 1r Black on Green, Guanajuato, tied by neat strike of fancy Eagle handstamp (Schatzkes 529) on folded letter sheet to Yrapuato, blue oval Silao handstamp (Schatzkes 528), Very Fine and attractive.
Scott No. 7    Estimate $150 - 200.

Realized: $170

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Lot 404    

Mexico, 1861, 1r Black on Green + 2r Black on Pink, Three Singles, Mexico, tied by grid on circle handstamps (Schatzkes 827) on folded letter sheet to Puebla, oval Mexico date stamp below, Very Fine, a scarce and unusual high value franking, ex Mazepa.
Scott No. 7+8    Estimate $300 - 400.

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Lot 405    

Mexico, 1861, 2r Black on Pink, Talpujahua, o.g., clear to large margins, Very Fine, NF $250 for used with mint far scarcer, only 1,200 sent, ex Dormer.
Scott No. 8    Estimate $150 - 200.

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Lot 406 o   

Mexico, 1861, 8r Green on Red Brown, Guadalajara, Guadalajara boxed date stamp cancel (Schatzkes 292), large four margin single, strong bright color, Extremely Fine, only 174 were sent in consignment (NF $1,000).
Scott No. 12    Estimate $750 - 1,000.

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Lot 407 o   

Mexico, 1861, 8r Green on Red Brown, Mexico, town cancels, large to huge margins, Extremely Fine and choice; with 1977 MEPSI certificate.
Scott No. 12    Estimate $200 - 300.

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Lots 388-397 Lots 398-407 Lots 408-411

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