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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico to Sweden

Lots 3145-3154 Lots 3155-3164 Lots 3165-3174 Lots 3175-3184 Lots 3185-3194 Lots 3195-3204 Lots 3205-3214 Lots 3215-3224 Lots 3225-3230

Lot 3225 /o/   

Sudan, Collection, 1897-1983, in bulging Scott Specialty album, including large display of town cancels, Abidiya to Zeidam + T.P.O.'s & Paquebot; census present with map coordinates from the 'Times' atlas; dozens of covers, many registered; Official overprints, perfin Officials, and much more; closer examination strongly recommended.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $2,300

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Lot 3226 /o   

Sudan, Accumulation, 1897-1960, interesting assortment of mint and used on stock pages and dealer pages in a binder, most issues represented, includes Scott #17 - 27 mint complete, Air Post, Perforated Officials, Postage Dues blocks of 4 and more, some duplication, requires examination; generally F-VF.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $525

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Lot 3227 /   

Swaziland, Stock, 1948-1980, range of issues, mostly modern, some in gutter pairs, useful topicals, etc., please inspect.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $115

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Lot 3228 o   

Sweden, Collection, 1855-1900, used on album pages with complete basic issues for the period; highlights including complete 1855 issues with #1 sound with R.P.S. cert (cat $5,000) and #3 same (cat $1,500), #5 (cat $2,200), complete 1858 issues, 1862-69 issues including well centered 17o gray (cat $800), 1877-79 issues with 1rd high value, back-of-the-book including 1st issue dues, complete City issues (LX1-LX2, cat $1,025) and the first two official sets complete; condition well above the norm overall.
Estimate    $1,500 - 2,000.

Realized: $1,800

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Lot 3229 /o/   

Sweden, Collection, 1855-1986, mostly used in bulging Scott Specialty album, much very specialized, including several 1,000's town cancels each identified, quite complete for the period lacking only a few rarities, many varieties listed, shades, including regular issues, semipostals, officials, local post, some revenues, Cinderellas, etc; substantial catalog value, needs proper evaluation by the specialist, please inspect.
Estimate    $1,000 - 1,500.

Realized: $1,000

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Lot 3230 /o   

Sweden, Collection, 1858-1991, housed in Minkus album, with useful used early classics and mint in more modern issues, showing of back-of-the-book including good used official issues, etc.; 2011 Scott cat. $3,895.
Estimate    $400 - 600.

Realized: $200

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Lots 3145-3154 Lots 3155-3164 Lots 3165-3174 Lots 3175-3184 Lots 3185-3194 Lots 3195-3204 Lots 3205-3214 Lots 3215-3224 Lots 3225-3230

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