Peru, Collection, 1857-1900, of mostly used on album pages; starting with unused set of 4 margin 1857 P.S.N. Co. issues (Scott 1-2, cat $3,600), completion in early coat of arms issues with variety including #12a-12b, used 1873 2c needing to be checked, complete used 1880-81 UPU issues with 1881 50c key value (#41, cat $425) and better later high values present, complete officials and dues missing a few values and includes the scarce 1883 50c issue (#J20, cat $850), also a nice section of 1881-84 Provisional District overprints with some better; condition above the norm overall. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,250
Lot 3186 o
Peru, & Salvador Collection, 1865-1975, many 100's on album pages, stocksheets, Hagners, glassines, a closer examination will be rewarding.Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $210
Poland, Collection, 1860-1972, in bulging Scott Specialty album, with added quadrille page, including #1 used, 1918 Polish Corps used, mint 12-15; 21a TI & TII not expertized, 27-29 used; extensive group of 1915-1919 Local issues, including 1918 Brzeziny, Grodzisk, Kalisz, Lenczyca, Konin, Przedborz, Skierniewice, Wloclawek, Jedrzejow, Olkusz, Tarnow including black overprints on Austria military stamps; Zarki and others; some 1919 Cracow issues including better; succeeding issues from 1921 with many perf, paper, overprint varieties; thereafter quite complete (lacking 1928 Warsaw Exhib souvenir sheet); many varieties; 1950 currency reform "Groszy" overprints; thereafter about complete for the period; note Port Gdansk issues; several 100 1920's Revenue stamps on documents present; inspection by the specialist will be rewarding. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,500
Poland, Selection, 1928-1945, interesting group of better items on black stockcards, including back-of-the-book Occupation long set used (2 sets), 251a & b, NB41 perf & imperf NH; some other items need checking, please inspect. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $105
Portugal, Collection, 1853-99, well formed virtually all used collection on album pages; near complete for the period with 1853 issues including large margin 5r (Sc. 1, cat $850, signed Zumstein) and 50r green (#3, cat $875), 1855-58 missing only the scarce 5r straight hair value, regular issues appear to be complete thereon with highlights including 1867-70 perf'd issues used with 80r both types, 1873 240r pale violet (#49, cat $1,050), 1884 500r black used, 1895 St. Anthony set used (#132-146, cat $1,220), etc., complete back-of-the-book; with condition well above the norm throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,100
Portugal & Colonies, Collection, 1853-1975, two bulging Scott Specialty albums, neatly filled to the brim with classic used onward through earlier 20th Century, postmarks & cancels especially notable, quite complete lacking only a few rarities, Colonies also in depth with particularly nice Macao, Azores, Angola, excellent condition throughout; also including 5 binders with attractive classic postal history & town postmarks, worth very close examination, please inspect. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Realized: $8,500
Portugal & Colonies, Collection, 1950-1985, miscellaneous stamps mostly in presentation packs, best probably Macao, also some FDC's, etc; worth a look. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $65
Portuguese Colonies, Collection, 1868-99, predominately used 19th century issues on album pages; exceptional completion for the period with Angola missing only the 40r blue error and complete Angra, Azores highlighted by a 4-margin 1868 10r imperf (Sc. 2, cat $10,000, signed Köhler) and complete 1895 St. Anthony set, Cape Verde Islands near complete (couple forgeries identified), complete Funchal and Guinea with genuine 1881 10r-20r & 40r issues amid identified forged overprints (#1A-2, 4, total cat $1,850) and complete later, complete Horta, Inhambane & Lourenzo Marques complete with 1895 Anniversary issues, Macao near complete with better surcharges, Madeira missing only the 1879 150r issue, complete Mozambique, Nyassa, Ponta Delgada & Portuguese Congo issues, Portuguese India with a nice selection of better early issue with types identified on some and better 1883 surcharges including 6r on 200r high values (Sc 111-112, cat $450 & $500), St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Timor & Zambesia complete to near complete; a lovely collection with condition above the norm. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $7,500
Portuguese Colonies, 1884-1995, decent showing of various colonies, best by far being Macao in stockbook, stock pages and album pages; some classics present mint & used, note interesting study of bisects with much value in King Luiz & King Carlos issues, also colorful modern commemoratives & souvenir sheets, needs a more careful examination and evaluation, surprises to be found, o.g., hinged or never hinged. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,300
Portuguese India, Collection, 1898-1960, expansive study in 4 stockbooks & albums, with concentration on the perforated diagonally & vertically surcharged issues of King Carlos; many varieties featured; continuing with attractive & occasionally duplicated commemoratives of the 1930's; this needs the close evaluation of the specialist, should contain surprises. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,350