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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico to Sweden

Lots 3145-3154 Lots 3155-3164 Lots 3165-3174 Lots 3175-3184 Lots 3185-3194 Lots 3195-3204 Lots 3205-3214 Lots 3215-3224 Lots 3225-3230

Lot 3175 /o/   

Nicaragua, Collection, 1869-1973, bulging Scott Specialty album and two 3-ring binders, displaying several 1,000's of mint & used, with extensive varieties, overprints, Seebecks, revenue types with overprint, revalued issues, airmails, Officials and much more; the 2 binders with detailed study of the 1911 overprint Fiscals with specially designed pages; also note some Specimens, revenues, telegraph and a few interesting covers; also special issues for Zelaya & Cabo Gracias a Dios handstamps; inspection by the specialist recommended.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $2,300

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Lot 3176 /o   

Niger Coast Protectorate, Collection, 1892-1900, mostly used on album pages; with 1892 first issues complete, 1893 surcharges with Sc. #8 & 13 used (cat $325 & $525) as well as #21 (cat $350), 1894 bisect surcharge with Sc. 49-51 all tied on small pieces (all cat $1,275), QV portrait present and some first issue Northern Nigeria issues; condition above the norm.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $950

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Lot 3177 o   

Norway, Collection, 1854-99, used on album pages which is complete for the period; starting with nice 4-margin #1, 1856-57 King Oscar issues with well centered 2s, following Coat of Arms issues all with neat town cancels, complete 1872-99 Posthorns with 1884 12o green key value and later issue perf varieties, dues; condition well above the norm.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $450

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Lot 3178 /o/   

Norway, Collection, 1855-1990, on Scott hingeless pages, well-filled earlier issues mostly used including nice #1, Posthorns quite complete, good "V" overprint mint; some interesting back-of-the-book including locals (bypost), revenues, Christmas seals; town cancels; and more, please inspect.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $625

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Lot 3179 /o   

Norway, Collection, 1855-1990, housed on Minkus pages, includes a few nice used early classics and later porthorns used, mint primarily n.h., some back-of-the-book; 2010 Scott cat. $2,010.
Estimate    $200 - 300.

Realized: $210

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Lot 3180 /o   

Norway, Group, 1856-on, a small collection of 52 stamps that catalogues over $500 for the skilling issues (10 stamps) with 1 stamp thinned, noted in a quick review, the rest are posthorns in Ore denominations and some semipostal mint n.h.
Estimate    $50 - 75.

Realized: $65

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Lot 3181 /o   

Palestine, Specialized Collection, 1927-42, two large stockbooks with 1,000's of examples from the pictorial series, collected for shades, cancels, positions, perforations, the best value being the 90m bister (catalog value $57.50 each) including 15 examples with readable town cancels; a most unusual accumulation.
Scott No. 63-84    Estimate $500 - 750.

Realized: $650

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Lot 3182 /o   

Panama, Collection, 1881-1970, displayed in Scott Specialty album, well filled with forerunners Columbia issues postmarked in Panama, many interesting cancels most straight line in ovals, followed by map type with "Panama" overprints with many different varieties, forgeries identified, most used; swarm of Registration, Acknowledgment of Receipt, Late Fee & Postage Due items; also present is nice selection of Canal Zone overprints, some better and a few covers; all worth a closer look, please inspect.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $1,500

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Lot 3183 /o   

Paraguay, & Peru Collection, 1857-1995, displayed in bulging Scott Specialty album, from early issues to date; including lion type Cinderella's; perf, plate & overprint & surcharge varieties abound; town cancels well identified; forgeries carefully identified; Peru is the strongest here, including early Coat of Arms issues with interesting cancels, arranged alphabetically from Arequipa onward, some towns on south coast now in Chile, interesting dotted & straight line cancels, variety of surcharges with many varieties; revenues abound; of particular interest an unusual display of provisional stamps issued in various cities of Peru during the Chilean Occupation if Lima and Callao; please inspect.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $2,600

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Lot 3184 /o/   

Peru, Exhibition Collection, 1857-79, of mint, used and covers on exhibition pages; starting with 1858 1d first issue showing a selection of mostly used off cover issues including several pairs with various cancels and shade varieties, 8 covers from various towns including pairs and two covers to France, 1p first issue showing a selection of cancels and on cover usage, ½p issues with buff issue and a rose red Sperati reproduction, 1d large letter issue with cancels on singles and 3 covers, 1p issue similar with a couple covers, 1860-61 issues with 1d with a range of singles and multiples showing shades, cancels, retouch stages and 5 on cover usages from various towns, similar 1p rose issues with 4 on cover usages, 1862-63 issues with 1d red including a nice showing of town postmarks and 7 covers including one to France, 1p brown with on cover bisect and single franking usages, 1866-67 issues including some covers, 1868-72 issues with many 1d usages on cover as well as multiples including strip of five, 1871 & 1873 issue with mint and 5c used singles; a lovely collection well worth careful examination.
Estimate    $6,000 - 8,000.

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Lots 3145-3154 Lots 3155-3164 Lots 3165-3174 Lots 3175-3184 Lots 3185-3194 Lots 3195-3204 Lots 3205-3214 Lots 3215-3224 Lots 3225-3230

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