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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Mexico to Sweden

Lots 3145-3154 Lots 3155-3164 Lots 3165-3174 Lots 3175-3184 Lots 3185-3194 Lots 3195-3204 Lots 3205-3214 Lots 3215-3224 Lots 3225-3230

Lot 3165    

Nepal, Covers, 1950's-1970's, about 350 items, mostly franked with Officials, some with commemoratives, envelopes written in native language, interesting group seldom seen, please inspect.
Estimate    $250 - 350.

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Lot 3166 o   

Netherlands, Postmarks, 1852-1910, many 100's of stamps arranged alphabetically, by types, most being Kleinrond Stempels (small circle) or Grotrond (large circle) Stempels, towns from A-Z abound, beginning with 1st Issue imperfs with "Halfrond" types A-C, followed by Langstempels (straight line); condition excellent, cancels neat and socked-on-the-nose for the most part; almost impossible to reassemble.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $1,250

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Lot 3167 /o/   

Netherlands & Colonies, 1852-1985, bulging Scott Specialty album, with wide range of material, mostly used including extensive cancels including numerical to #244 quite complete, many towns, perforation types & sizes, gauge combinations, varieties of all types, perfins, much much more; Colonies include extensive Netherlands Indies & Japanese Occupation, Curaçao, Surinam; detailed examination will be rewarding, please inspect.
Estimate    $2,000 - 3,000.

Realized: $3,250

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Lot 3168 /o   

Netherlands & Colonies, Collection, 1852-99, well formed nearly all used on album pages, high degree of completion noting only four issues lacking for completion; with Netherlands complete including dues, Curacao the same, Dutch Indies with complete regular issues and lacking first three due issues, Surinam lacking one issue for completion and includes the 1898 10c on 25c ultramarine used (#34A, cat $500); with condition above the norm.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $625

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Lot 3169 //o   

Netherlands & Colonies,, attractive display on Hagner sheets in binder, some classic but most modern mint commemoratives & semipostals, a closer examination will tell the story.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $350

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Lot 3170 o/   

Netherlands East Indies, Postmarks, 1870- 1939, 2 binders with several 1,000's stamps showing wide range of postmarks, from the earliest numbered 1-120 "puntstempel", straight line, squared circle, double circle, etc; all meticulously mounted, an irreplaceable trove of postmarks.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $800

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Lot 3171 /o   

Surinam, Collection, displayed mostly on stockpages in binder, attractive range of singles & sets, occasional modest duplication, should be valued more carefully.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

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Lot 3172 /o/   

New Zealand, Collection, in three volumes; mainly used through #198 & mint thereafter, n.h. in modern period, Scott cat $6,300 through #198, not counting a (very) few off-quality stamps, semi-postals essentially complete (~$900), ARs, dues, airs, officials & insurance (~$3000); with owner's 2012 Scott cat approximately $12,000.
Estimate    $1,500 - 2,000.

Realized: $1,500

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Lot 3173 /o   

New Zealand, Collection, 1855-1900, predominately used issues housed on album pages with many better issues; including 1858 issues with 1d-2d blue papers and 1d-6d white papers with additional 6d chestnut color var., 1862 pelure issues with 4-margin 6d-1sh values (1sh with BPA cert.), 1862 watermark issues complete values with roulette and shade vars., later with highlights including 1873, 2d vermilion (Sc. 50, cat $600) and 1878 high values used, back-of-the-book issues; condition a little mixed.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $2,000

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Lot 3174 /o   

New Zealand, Collection, 1856-1996, neatly displayed in Scott Specialty album, with good representation of Chalon Heads, including a few on cover; better than usual later QV definitives and earlier pictorials to 5sh; KGV issues including some better, other back-of-the-book postal fiscals, etc., worth noting; closer examination recommended, please inspect.
Estimate    $750 - 1,000.

Realized: $2,100

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Lots 3145-3154 Lots 3155-3164 Lots 3165-3174 Lots 3175-3184 Lots 3185-3194 Lots 3195-3204 Lots 3205-3214 Lots 3215-3224 Lots 3225-3230

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