Mexico, Collection, 1834-1971, well formed collection on pages in 4 Godden albums; starting with 8 stampless covers including a 1834 folded letter from Hamburg, Germany to Mexico via London and Veracruz, complete 1856 issues with multiple issues showing various districts, cancels, 4r bisect & 8r quadrisect on piece, similar 1861 issues with items on piece, 8r green on brown singles, etc., 1864-66 Eagles highlighted by a unused 3c brown, 1866 Maxillian issue with the the rare 7c litho. issue used (Scott #31, cat. $5,500), 1867 Gothic issues including the 4r red (Scott #39, cat $3,250) and gray blue paper complete including additional 1r pair, few Guadalajara provisionals, full face Hidalgos including variety and "Anotado" issues, 1872 Hidalgo issues with better and variety, complete 1879-82 Juarez issues including the 1882, 100c orange used, 1884-85 Hidalgos including 5p-10p values used, following Numeral issues with better ruled lines issues, strong Mulitas with complete 1895 issues, 1913 Sonora issues with a used 5c Cananea (#321, cat $800) and later issues including full sheets, strong later regular issues with variety and better sets to 1947, airmail issues with excellent virtually all mint completion with some used on scarce issues and includes Sarabia issue n.h. (signed Kessler) with issues up to 1971; a lovely collection with the 1867-68 rarities needing to be checked for genuine. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.

Mexico, Collection, 1856-1975, bulging Scott Specialty album, with impressive array of items from 1st Issue onwards, plentiful Hidalgos, with district overprints neatly displayed, forgeries noted, many with substantial catalog value, lacking only the rarest but including some good "Anotado" overprints; 268, perf 6 276a; 727A; 733B cert; many paper & plate varieties, watermarks, town cancels galore, some with certificates; University series complete including airmails; outstanding back-of-the-book material, including Officials, Porte de Mar platings, nice group of Provisionals including Guadalajara; Revenues, cut squares, registry & transfer labels, seals, and much more; needs a thorough examination by the specialist for proper evaluation; condition far above the usual, please inspect. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $5,750
Mexico, Collection, 1856-1900, mostly used mounted on album pages with strong basic completion throughout; with near complete 1856 & 1861 Hidalgo issues, 1864 Eagle issues including used 4-margin 3c brown (#18, small thin, cat $2,500), 1867 Gothic Mexico issues with 8r high value (#41 needing to be checked), nice range of 1868 full face Hidalgo issues with high values including Anotado 100c thick figure no period variety (#75a, cat $1,100, with Mepsi cert), 1872 issues with watermark issues including scarce large margin 100c imperf "Papel Sellado" watermark variety (#86a, cat $1,500) and pin perf'd 50c (#90, cat $950), unwmked issues highlighted by 50c blue error (#96d, cat $650), 1874-81 Hidalgo issues with better watermark high values, complete 1885-85 Hidalgos including better high values, following Numeral issues with key issues including 1892 5p & 10p values used (#228-229, cat $2,150) and the similar Hidalgo issues (#230-231, cat $1,200 & $2,700), Mulita issues with better high values including "RM" watermark peso values (#266-268, cat $1,375) and unwmked 10p (#291, cat $575), back-of-the-book with Porte de Mar issues and Officials with 1895 5p (O21, cat $250); with condition above the norm overall. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $5,000
Mexico, Collection, 1856-1965, in Scott Specialty album, with attractive group of classics, including some bisects on piece some with MEPSI certificates; continuing to about 1900, thereafter somewhat scattered; with commemoratives & airmails, little back-of-the-book, please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $700
Mexico, Sundry, 1866-1975, interesting mix including study of blue & orange Maximilian 25c values, 1940 Penny Black regular & airs complete, some modern varieties, Officials inverted overprints, owner's Scott catalog value $1,446. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170

3150 o/
Mexico, 1884 1c-25c Hidalgo Issue - Town Cancellation Collection, outstanding collection of rare and bold cancels on Hidalgo Medallions mounted in exhibit pages unpicked out of a multiple gold medal exhibit. A very balanced display of all values from 1c to 25 (including many from the difficult 2c, 3c, 6c and 12c too). Total 180+ stamps. All have bold and beautiful cancels, most socked-on-the-nose including several multiples and blocks of 4. Many small towns included. This was formed out of the best cancels in the tens of thousands cancelled stamps once owned by Jay Bard who spent 50 years collecting this issue. Mounted in the original exhibit pages. Included are cancels from small towns such as Tamazula, Guaymas, Tepeocauilco, Calpulalpam, Mesquitic, Huejotzingo, Guadalcazar, La Esperanza, Tecali, Huajechula, Ojuelos, Manzanillo, Mojelito, Cholula, Nochistlan, Cosamaloapam, Catemaco, Pahuatlan, Alaquines, Irolo, Coatepec, Chalchicota, Asientos, Guanacevi, Tecax, Tlacotepec, Rinconada, Sierra Mojada, Nombre de Dios, Miahualco and several unrecorded. Scott No. 150-159 Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.

Mexico, 1886-91 Numeral Issue Collection, balance of the multi-gold exhibit of Mexican Numerals: The Unwatermarked issue of 1886-1891. A very substantial collection of premium stamps and postal history mounted in the original exhibition pages from 1c to 25c (lilac and red). Many shades and perforations, including large multiples and blocks of 4. Included are the largest known multiple of 1c perf 6 x 6 (16 stamps) unused (Sc# 190= $720), the largest recorded multiple of 10c brown lilac (12 stamps) unused, a block of 8 of 10c red 6x6 (Sc#194=$280) and a block of 4 of 25c lilac (Sc#183=$300). Several rare perforation errors in pairs are included as well as examples of combined perforations 6 x 12. The 40+ excellent covers/fronts/ postal history include a variety of denominations and usages. All are gold medal quality. Among them judiciary fronts, printed matter, registered mail and rare destinations like Stockholm, Chile, Cartagena, Ensenada and Buenos Aires, There is a beautiful registered postal card to Germany with the rare 13c rate. Also a fantastic wrapper from Mazatlan to San Diego with a bold marking from Baja California and a private post card with he 3c lilac. Also a judiciary registered front with the rare and correct 28c rate with the same stamp. The 25c lilac and red have a section on bold cancels several from small towns like Ixtla, Tequila, Temascaltepec, Altotonga and Yautepec. Scott No. 174-194 Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.

Mexico, 1886-91 Numeral Issue - Town Cancellation Collection, Fantastic collection of outstanding and rare bold cancels on Numerals mounted in exhibit pages by value. 180+ stamps, each with bold and or unusual cancels. Many small towns included. This was formed out of the best cancels in the tens of thousands cancelled stamps once owned by Jay Bard who spent 50 years collecting this issue. Mounted in exhibit pages. Included are cancels from small towns such as Ixtlahuaca, Tecali, Calpulalpam, Tepeaca, Aramberri, Tepeyehualco,Guauchinango, Hopelchen, Noria, Candela, Nochistlan, Patos, Tala Cocomatepec, Tepeji, Villa del Refugio, Acanceh, Cuitzeo, Tochimilco, Ferreria, Playa Vicente, Dr, Gonzalez, Teocuitatlan, Zongolica, Lampazos, Batopilas, Quecholac, Huamuxitatlan, Temascaltepec, Yxtlacuixtla, Tepango, Zomelahuatlan, and others, accompanied by some unused 1c perforation varieties. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Mexico, 1887 Numeral Issue - Green Ledger Lines Paper, balance of the multi-gold exhibit of Mexican Numerals: The Green Ledger Lines Paper of 1887. A variety of great stamps and covers mounted in the original exhibition pages including all 4 denominations. This is the rarest part of the issue, when leger paper was used to print stamps for a short period. This balance features the 3 largest unused recorded multiples: A block of 25 of the 1c perf 6 (Sc#201=$ 1,500), a block of 18 of the 2c perf 6 (Sc#202= $ 1,080) and the fantastic full sheet of 100 of the 5c perf 6 (Sc#204= $5,000). This is the best of the 2 recorded full sheets. Also a block of 4 of 2c perf 12 (Sc #196= $760) and a very rare block of 4 unused of the 5c perf 6x12 obviously genuine (Sc# 209=$900). There is a section of bold cancels on the 5c and 10c. Although covers are super scarce in this issue, 3 colorful and pristine are included. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.
Mexico, 1891-95 Numeral Issue Exhibition Collection, balance of the multi-gold exhibit of Mexican Numerals: The Unwatermarked Issue of 1891-1895. A very important group mounted in the original exhibition pages, including all the values from 1c to 25c in different shades. The stamps include many unused blocks of 4 and several sections of bold cancels from towns such as Chicontepec, Chignahuapam, el Julian, Barca and Coyuca. Perfs 11, 12, 5½, 11 x 5½. Many of the rare perforation errors are presents in pairs: 6c horizontal imperforate between unused, the 10c horizontal and vertical imperf between. Unlisted errors are included such as 5c vertical pair of imperf between, or the 5c imperforate single. A fantastic large block of 10c with a "3" plate number in the center, and another used with a #1. Important multiples unused include the scarce sheets of 100 of the 3c vermillion perf 5½ (Sc# 233=$900), the 4c vermillion perf 5½ (Sc# 234= $4,000) and the 12c vermillion (Sc# 219= $1,400). The 30 selected covers or wrappers and other postal history are all exhibition quality. They include magnificent printed matter and the rare official rates. A block of ten 1c cancelled in Polotitlan, a return double postal card uprated with perfins doing the round service, foreign destinations such as Hungary, Buenos Aires or El Salvador, small towns such as Barras (450 inhabitants) Acuitzeo or Tingüindin, a fantastic official registered cover with a strip of 5 of the 6c to Europe, mixed frankings with German stamps, and what may be one of the most scarce bold cancels on cover from Noria de los Angeles. Estimate $4,000 - 6,000.