Lot 3106 o
Italy, Collection, 1861-1990, outstanding display of used stamps, with a few notable mint items as well, housed in two Schaubek albums, and including many commemorative and airmail 1930's sets with high catalog value (there are perhaps some suspect cancels but most appear to be legitimate), examination by the expert recommended, please inspect.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $450
Italy, Selection, of better mint singles and sets in dealer pages; including Scott #117-18 (cat $390), 133-135 n.h. blocks (cat $196), B17-18 n.h. (cat $250), C42-C47 n.h. (cat $325), J2 unused (cat $850 for n.g.), J18 (cat $200), J65-J78 (cat $325), Q2 (cat $250) and QY1-QY4 (cat $332); worth review. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325
Italy, Mint Selection, never hinged singles and sets on dealer stockpages; includes Scott #242-246, C1-C2, C62-83; fresh material with some duplication, Scott cat $1,455. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $250
Italy, Airmail Selection, 1917-37, singles and sets on dealer stockpages with some better items; including Scott #C3-C9, C10-C11, C23-C26, C42-C47, C62-C65, C95-C99, etc.; some minor duplication, condition varies. Scott No. C1//C99; $1,843 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $350
Eritrea, Mint Selection, 1892-1934, singles and sets on dealer stockpages with better items throughout; including Scott #5, 25, 32, 47, 105-106, 119-128, CB1-CB10, selection of good dues, etc.; only a couple lesser duplicates. Scott No. 5//J8; $2,544 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $280
Ethiopia, Sheet Accumulation, of overprinted issues, folded to display-1917-1927 period, the 1917 sheets include three unsevered panes of 25 each (they were normally issued as sheets of 25), Scott numbers including #108, 112-114, 136-138, 140-143, 147, 151 & 153, sheets contain the overprint varieties listed in the Payne handbooks and in Sciaky, which is where the real value lies-for reference, total Scott cat. $2,000 without consideration of the varieties, some perf separations in some sheets; inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Japan, Collection, 1871-1980, mostly used including early forgeries identified, note better including 1916 10s Ceremonial Cap & other commemoratives, airmails & back-of-the-book included, please inspect carefully. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,250
Japan, Collection, 1871-1900, used (except 1st issues) on album pages; with 1871, 48m-500m, following Cherry Blossom issue to the 10s with better including 6s syllabic 14 (Sc. 36 cat $275), 1875 issues to the 30s, completion thereon for the period with 1877 12s rose & 45s carmine (#63, 67, cat $150 & $525), offices with Korea to the 1y; condition above norm. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $1,150
Japan, Collection, 1876-1990, 19th and 20th century mint and used all identified on black 8.5 x 11 stock pages in chronological order, in 3 binders and a cover album, includes souvenir sheets, FDC's also Ryukyus, duplication throughout, many better items present, high Scott catalog value, review recommended; generally F-VF. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Japan, Collection, 1899-1991, volumes of mint (99% NH) stamps in mounts on White Ace pages; appears complete 1956-1990; fresh and nice; Scott cat. about $2,000. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $425