3086 o/
Italian Area, Collection, 1850-1960, bulging Scott Specialty album, including Colonies, Offices with airmails & back-of-the-book sets & singles; some better Albania, excellent San Marino, Vatican, Eritrea, Venetia Giulia, Libia, Tripolitania, Somalia, Trieste, Lombardy Venetia including some revenues; Fiume, Italian East Africa, Italian Colonies including C20-C28; Cyrenaica C12-17, C20-23; Vatican; better cancels noted throughout, and much much more; please inspect closely for surprises. Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.
Realized: $2,300
Italian Area, Selection, in 2 sales books, few States, mostly Italy and Vatican, mint & used, Colonies including some used sets, few varieties, note Vatican C18-21, other commemoratives, closer look will be rewarding. Estimate $350 - 500.
Realized: $230
Italian Area, Collection, including some States, Italy commemoratives, Colonies, Trieste, Vatican, owner's catalog value about $15,000. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $450
Italian Area, Selection, in 2 sales books, few States, mostly Italy and Vatican, mint & used, Trieste, Colonies including some used sets, few varieties, note Vatican C20-21 NH, other commemoratives, closer look will be rewarding. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $400

3090 o/
Italian Area, Italy & Offices Collection, 1862-1980, mostly used in bulging Scott Specialty album, including excellent 19th Century regular issues, complete "Advertising Tabs"; with emphasis on cancels, especially strong in earlier 20th Century commemoratives for 1920's & 1930's, very high catalog value, including #49, 57; commemoratives such as 142A-142D, 1924 "Crociera Italiana, " 1934 sets such as Soccer with airmails etc; back-of-the-book includes good "BLP" semipostal issues, 1931 airmails such as Rome-Rio trans-atlantic flight C27; Dante airmails; 1933 Zeppelin airs; Balbo used 1933 Triptycs C48-C49; excellent showing of Offices Abroad including Aegean Garibaldi sets, Zeppelin airmails set, 1932 Dante; and much more; very high catalog value, seldom seen in such depth, please inspect. Estimate $5,000 - 7,500.
Realized: $5,500
Italian Area, 1870-1975, on dealer sales sheets, including some high catalog value classics onward to 20th Century, some used, some Italian States, some colonies & Offices, including Vatican, a closer examination will be rewarding. Estimate $350 - 500.
Realized: $290
Italian Area,, selection of Sardinia & Roman States, Trieste, Middle East, some Italy; in stockbook & stockpages, should be enough value here. Estimate $250 - 350.
Realized: $125
Italian Area, Group, of mostly Italy & Italian Colonies better singles and sets on stockcards; Italy including used Sc. #268-79 (cat $643), #349-54 ($533), #367-76 ($694), #C28-C33 ($508) and mint #83 ($400) and #85 ($950), also good Eritrea and Somalia, Scott cat in excess of $17,200 with some n.h. Scott unlisted sets, condition above the norm. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $1,200
Italian Area, Selection, of better singles and sets in dealer pages; with Italy #J26 (small corner crease, cat $540), Italy - Tientsin #9 (cat $200), Italy - China #J8 (cat $350), corner margin Trieste #Q9 n.h. (cat $325), Aegean Islands #12-18 (cat $190) and Nisiro & Scarpanto Garibaldi issues #17-26 (cat $170 each), Italian Colonies #23-41, 46-50 (cat $613) and Italy Polish Corps n.h. sheetlets (Sassone 27-29, cat €500). Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $325
Italian States, Collection, 1851-68, predominately used housed in album pages; with Modena with a nice range of issues including better newspapers, Parma with complete 1852-54 issues, 1857-59 issues complete (40c signed) and 1858 issues with 5c (signed) and 40c red and brown red varieties (40c red signed), Romagna including a couple used values, Roman States with 1852 high values needing to be checked, Tuscany lacking a couple issues with 1852 60c and a 1860 80c used, Two Sicilies approaching completion highlighted by a 1860 Cross of Savoy ½t blue (Sc. 9, cat $3,250); with some better items needing to be checked, worth careful inspection. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,200