Lot 3058 o
Guatemala, Issues, 1878-1886, of mostly used Quetzal and National Emblem issues in stockbook, a little haphazard but much material with a diverse range of cancels; a nice group for the specialist.Estimate $400 - 600.
Guatemala, Covers, 1890-65, approximately 90 items; includes postal stationery with humorous uprated, officials, airs, ambulantes, foreign destinations, much diversity including frankings. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $650
Haiti, Collection, 1881-1971, mostly mint in Scott album; strong completion in regular issues with a nice showing of varieties including 1882, 5c imperf between used pair, 1891-98 Coat of Arms issues including cancellation section, proofs and a selection of imperf in between pairs mostly mint, following surcharges including double and inverted surcharges including in multiples, sideways surcharge, 1902-04 overprints with variety, 1903 Century issue including inverted centers complete, 1904 President issue including imperf blocks and following overprint varieties, excellent completion thereon including airs and other back-of-the-book, postal cards, etc. Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Haiti, Collection, 1881-1969, neatly mounted in Scott Specialty album, mostly used, containing many shades, imperfs, perf varieties, surcharge varieties & types of 1902-1920 handstamp issues; also some interesting back-of-the-book, please inspect. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $800
Honduras, Collection, 1866-1976, collection on album pages with completion on later issues, with back-of-the-book and some varieties including overprints and surcharges; please inspect for valuation. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $550
Honduras, Collection, 1872-1970, neatly displayed in 2 Scott Specialty albums and 4 binders with hand-designed pages, including study of plating and varieties of 1st Issues, other binders with a plethora of varieties on the 1920's & 1930's surcharges, most relatively minor but including some rare errors on the 1930's airmails, some with expertiser's handstamp; one album with dozens of covers mounted and many stationery pieces most unused; should be examined by the specialist. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $3,000

Hong Kong, Collection, 1862-1900, used on several albums with near basic completion for the period (no postal card issues); with complete 1862 first issues, 1863-65 issues complete to the 96¢ with later missing the dollar values, 1876-80 surcharges present, later issues with the good surcharge issues, 1891 Jubilee var. (Sc 66b), 1897 dollar surcharges and some revenue used as postage; condition above the norm. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,250
Hungary, Collection, 1871-1974, a bulging Scott Specialty album with many 100's, with another for the overflow, seemingly quite complete for the period, mostly used, some interesting back-of-the-book including telegraph stamps, many revenues; note Fiume overprints on Hungary issues, with Oliva 1958 certificate for 10k; please inspect. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,800
Hungary, Newspaper Stamp Cancel Collection, 1871 - 1898, assemblage of blocks, pairs, strips, and singles on black stock pages in a binder, wide variety of cancellations, also other back of book, Austria newspaper issues, and a group of early Hungary front of book and postal stationary, great lot for the specialist, inspection recommended, generally F-VF. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $250
Iceland, Collection, 1873-1900, used housed in album pages; with many better including first issues with 2a-8a values (Sc 1-3, cat $5,650), 1876 basic issues complete (#8, 10-14, cat $1,681), 1898 Prir surcharges (#31-33, cat $2,025, #31 with Gronlund cert), Official with 1873 8s value (#O2, cat $750); condition abo ve norm. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $800