Canadian Provinces, Selection, on dealer sales sheets, including New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P.E.I. best is Newfoundland with Cariboo set, other singles, worth a much closer look to determine proper value. Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350
Canadian Provinces, 1851-1944, displayed on Scott Specialty pages, including British Columbia used #9, New Brunswick #1; nice Newfoundland including Cabot Issue complete, most mint; Royal Family mint 8¢-15¢; some scattered later issues; used C3; Nova Scotia used #1-2; nice group of used P.E.I. etc; please inspect. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $1,150
Canadian Provinces, Collection, balance of countries on album pages, mostly used; with used B.C. & V.I. Sc. #2, 6-7, 9 & 11 (total cat. $1,110), New Brunswick with first issues (#1-3, cat $8,225) and P.E.I. mint #4-16. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,700
Newfoundland, Collection, 1857-1949, housed in Harris album, approaching completion to complete from #17 on, primarily mint from 1920 on including good 1920 surcharge issue, includes airmails with DO-X & Balbo overprint issues; 2012 Scott cat $10,227 (includes $677 other provinces). Estimate $1,500 - 2,000.
Realized: $2,700
Newfoundland, Collection, 1857-99, mostly used on album pages; with better early classic including 1857, 2d used (Sc. #2, cat $5,500), 1860, 2d & 6d values used (cat $475 & $1,000) as well as mint #1 & #3, 1862 issues near complete with nice large margin 6½d used (#21, cat $275), fine array of later issues; condition varies, worth review. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,000

Lot 2899 o
Nova Scotia, Collection, 1851-64, complete used on album page; with 1851-53 issues almost all 4-margin including #4 neatly tied on small piece and 1sh deep dull violet with papermaker's watermark (with 1997 CPES cert.), with additional 1857 6d yellow green in combination with 3d dark blue bisect on piece; condition above the norm.Estimate $2,500 - 3,500.
Realized: $4,250

Lot 2900 o
Canada, Collection, 1851-99, well formed used collection housed on album pages with better and choice items throughout; starting with 4 margin 1851-57 imperfs including #1-2 (cat $1,000 and $1,750, #2 with CPES cert), 1852-57 issues to the 10d (#4-10, cat $7,675), 1858-59 complete perf'd pence issues with well centered 3d and a the scarce 6d issue (#11-13, cat $10,300), later issue including Large Queens with 3¢ laid paper (#33, cat $2,000), complete 1897 Jubilee issues, 1897-98 widowheads and back-of-the-book with complete registry issues; with condition above the norm.Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $6,000
Canada, Selection, 1851-1949, group of dealer pages from #1 pair to Peace Definitives to $1, including QV Jubilees, other classics, some $ values, needs close evaluation, mixed condition on classics. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $700
Canada, Selection, 1851-1960, group of dealer pages from #1 to a few QEII errors, including QV Jubilees, other classics, some $ values, needs close evaluation, mixed condition on classics. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $400

Canada, Collection, 1852-1995, mounted in bulging Scott Specialty album, many covers accompany, broad range of issues including #2 laid paper BPA cert (4 margins but crease); #4 (close to large margins), #7 (close margins all around); 1859 issues with shades; #15 with about 30 examples nice cancels; #20 with margin inscription; large Queens including 12½¢ blue lovely cancel, other shades; Small Queens with almost 200 examples with interesting cancels; QV Jubilees used to 50¢ with nice $3 used & XF $5 cds, most well centered; group of nice cancels on lower values; QV Maple Leafs & Numerals with many nice cancels; *&o Quebec set, with cancels; Christmas 1898 with cancels; KEVII & cancels; KGV Admirals with many cancels; 1930's definitive sets used, including Bluenose, etc; KGVI & QEII stamps & covers for the period; seldom seen collection in such depth for cancels, with overall condition far above the usual, closer inspection will provide many surprises. Estimate $3,000 - 4,000.
Realized: $3,750