Mexico, 1833 Mexico City To Bordeaux, France, datelined folded letter with boxed "Bordeaux, Paq. Reg." boxed handstamp, matching "15" per unit rate handstamp and manuscript "42" decimes due, receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $220

Mexico, 1834 Mexico City To Bordeaux, France, folded letter sheet to red boxed Mexico date stamp and matching "Franco Hasta El Puerto" two-line handstamp, boxed "Pays D'Outremer" handstamp and "2" decimes due rate, receiving backstamp and fumigation slit due to cholera epidemic, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

Mexico, 1836 Veracruz To Bordeaux, France, datelined folded letter with manuscript "pr Vera Crusana" ship endorsement and Vera Cruz cds (Y&B VC12) on reverse, "Pays D'Outremer" boxed handstamp and receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $200

Mexico, 1843 Amsterdam, Holland To Durango, folded letter from Detmold with blue "Amsterdam, 7/10" origin cds with manuscript "1.70" (gulden) prepayment notation on reverse, red French transit cds and reverse with red "Bureau Maritime Havre, 10 Oct" cds, "Veracruz, Diciembre 1" boxed port of entry date stamp and red "4" reale due handstamp at top for inland rate, letter (in German) with interesting content regarding revolution in Spain, Queen Victoria visit with French emperor, Zar Nicholaus in Berlin, etc.; minor cover wear at top, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, 1844 Tampico To London, England, folded letter sheet with blue "Santa Anna de Tamauls." origin date stamp and matching "2" reales rate handstamp on reverse, additional red "Tampico, My 23, 1844" British cds and manuscript "4/6" rate on face, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, 1845 London, England To Tepic, folded letter sheet with red "London, Paid, Dec 1, 1845" cds and light manuscript "2/6" rate, "pr packet" endorsement and red "10" inland rate, Very Fine. Estimate $150 - 200.

Mexico, 1850 Mexico City To New York, folded letter with red Mexico double circle date stamp (Y&B M19) and blue "Franco" straight line handstamp, carried by U.S. ship with red "6" in circle rate handstamp, Very Fine; with 2010 MEPSI certificate. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $325

Mexico, 1850 Vera Cruz To Limoges, France, folded letter sheet with "Vera Cruz, Julio, 20, 50" cds on reverse, sent by unscheduled French ship with red "Outre-Mer, Pauillac, 10 Oct, 50" cds, "25" rate handstamp obliterated and re-rated "6" decimes due; few small tone spots, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.

Mexico, 1851 Mexico City To Santander, Spain, folded letter datelined from Mexico and carried outside the mails to France, entered the mails with "Paris, 11 Sep, 51" cds, blue "8" rate handstamp overstamped with large "10" and "Rs." handstamps, partial receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $300 - 400.

Mexico, 1851 Mexico City To Santander, Spain, folded letter datelined from Mexico and carried outside the mails to France, entered the mails with "Paris, 10 Dec, 51" cds, "2 Rs." handstamp, partial receiving backstamp, Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.