1873, State Dept. Balance, group of 64 stamps up to the $2 value with mint, used and some "specimens", plus eight $ value facsimiles, comprises: O57S (x6), O57Sb (x4), O58S (x4), O57 (1 og, 3 used), O58 (1 used), O59 (2 og, 5 unused and 2 used including blue favor and red color cancels), O60 (7 og, 6 used), O61 (3 og or ng, 2 used), O62 (1 og, 3 used), O63 (1 og, 3 used), O64 (1 used with purple cancel), O65 (3 used), O66 (1 og, 1 ng and 1 used), O67 (1 dist. gum), and O68 used with "Washington DC., PO" oval; some faults, F.-V.F., catalog value over $10,000. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,700
1873, Post Office Dept. Balance, group including mint and used with some multiples, includes blocks/4 of O47, O49 and O50, O47 blocks of 6, 9, 14, 10 and 20, O47S x4, mint including O50 x4, O51 x3, O52 x2, O53 x2, O54-O56, some color cancels and O54 & O55 with favor cancels, some faults, high catalog value, Fine. Estimate $600 - 800.
Realized: $450
Postal Stationery Collection, 1853-1992, mostly mint cut square collection in Scott National, strong completion throughout with nice varieties mostly in entire format, good early issues including a range of 1861 star die issues including a #U29 1¢ + 3¢ combination square, #U67 full corner, #U72, etc., strong showing of later issues with complete value runs and many full corner items throughout, interesting varieties incl. double impressions, albinos, #436h error of color, 1920-21 overprint errors with inverted, double, double with one inverted, both sides, etc., nice section of officials and virtually complete airmails, well worth inspection, F.-V.F. Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $1,250
Postal Stationery Cut Square Collection, 1853-1980's, mostly mint in Scott album, strong basic representation from first Nesbitt issues on missing basically the rarer cuts, includes complete 1853-55 Nesbitt issues (couple 6¢ reprints) mixed */o, few Star Dies, good basic representation from Reay issues on, with later die studies from 1893 Columbian issues, useful airmail and official issues; nice overall condition with many full corners throughout. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Realized: $1,050
Postal Stationery 1870-71 Reay Entires, group of 20 1¢-12¢ entires, includes #U74, U75, U75a, U76, W77, U78, U79 x2, U80, W81, U82, U83, U85-U87, U88 x2, U91-U92 & U94; cat $1,540. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $450
Postal Card Collection, 1873-1999, well formed collection housed in sleeved pages in binder; comprehensive basic run missing only the scarce and rare items, with better items including #UX13, UX34 (preprinted) & UX47, includes a complete run of unsevered Paid Reply Postal Cards to 1985; all fresh and choice with only a few preprinted cards; a nice collection for further expansion. Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $750