Aircraft Carriers and Navy Air Covers, 1928-39, 98 covers, 10 of which are Akron Macon related balance from aircraft carriers, event covers, foreign port locations, some OB covers (including Marine Detachment cover from USS Lexington and Saratoga T-8 flag cancel) and a few large covers with cachets, most covers are from USS Lexington and Saratoga, less than half cacheted but assembled by a condition conscious collector focused on the quality of the postmark, VF overall. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $180

Alaska Navy Covers, 1933-38, 21 covers with Alaska locations in killer bars, nice variety including Dutch Harbor, Sitka, Kiska Island and Harbor, Adak Island, Ketchikan, Seward, Kodiak, Wrangell and Juneau, some cachets but collector preferred strong postmarks and killer readings to cachets, VF group. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $75

Autographed Navy Covers, 1930's, 37 cover autographed by Admirals, Commanding Officers, Cachet Directors or dignitaries, most with 1933 Fleet Week Cachets from San Francisco, Seattle and Tacoma, interesting people include Navy Cross recipient RADM CS Freeman, Mrs. Floyd Bennett and the Chief Nurse of the Navy on a hospital ship cover, VF overall. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $170

Cacheted Holiday Naval Ship Covers, 1930's, 102 covers all cacheted for various holidays from Christmas to Pan American Day, choice condition postmarks and covers, VF-XF. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $75

Cacheted Naval Ship Event Covers, 1930's, 116 covers celebrating various events such as ship keel layings, launchings, commissionings, decommisssionings and anniversaries, VF-XF overall. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $95

Canal Zone Port Locations, 1928-39, 34 U.S. ship cover while at the Canal Zone, couple with typed return addresses postmarked with CZ stamps, rest with Canal Zone locations in killer bars, about a third cacheted but all with extremely well stuck postmarks and killer locations including Mount Hope, Gatun Lake and Gatun Locks, VF-XF. Estimate $75 - 100.
Realized: $55

Caribbean Area Locations, 1930's, 48 killer bar locations from Caribbean area locations, less than 40% Cuban locations, balance from Bermuda, Azores, Martinique, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Curacao, Aruba, St. Lucia, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, some cacheted but collector preferred strong cancel and killer reading strikes, VF overall. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $95

Central and South America Locations, 1931-40, 22 ship covers with killer bar location, from Mexico Honduras, Peru, Uruguay, Brazil, Columbia, Chile and Panama, mostly uncacheted, covers collected for the strength of the postmark and killer wording strikes, VF overall. Estimate $50 - 75.
Realized: $55

Classic Naval Covers, 1909-24, 51 Classic naval covers and cards (43 before 1920) most all being XF strikes, 4 or 5 duplicate ships but different postmarks, scarcer ships include Eagle, Jupiter, Huntington, Orion, Dolphin and Milwaukee, T-1ay receiving cancels from Hancock and Independence, couple registered uses, colored cancels, WWI covers including USS New York Foreign Service cancel in the scarcer magenta ink, USS Washington at Port au Prince Haiti in 1916, 1919 USS Buffalo while Station Ship at the Azores; a rare grouping based on cancel quality alone. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
Current Opening Bid: $675

Crosby Naval Covers, 1930's, group of 13 covers from various ships, includes unusual non-philatelic use of Scott #CE2 on airmail special delivery cover, VF overall with just a couple with toning, virtually no envelope gum stains. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $100