Hawaii, G.B. Post & Co., manuscript "care of" endorsement on 1850 folded letter to Honolulu in care of G.B. Post & Co. in San Francisco, red "Boston, Mass. Mar 25" origin cds and matching "80" rate handstamp for double rate, with manuscript "Forwarded by G.B. Post & Co." at bottom applied by G.B. Post & Co., Very Fine, a rare early G.B. Post & Co. forwarder usage to Hawaii. Estimate $750 - 1,000.
The sender, Mr. Charles Brewer, used the firm of G.B. Post to forward this correspondence to Makee, Anton in Honolulu. The manuscript "Forwarded by G.B. Post & Co." pre-dates their use of a handstamp device. This is a very scarce example of a double rated letter as indicated by the red "80" which was applied in Boston. The one-half ounce postage of 40¢ for letters from the east to the west coast was in effect until July 1, 1851.
Realized: $800

Hawaii, McRumril & Merrill, San Francisco, Forwarded By, oval handstamp on reverse of folded letter datelined "Hong Kong, 7 Juli, 1859" and endorsed "Pr Black Warrior, via San Francisco", addressed to Honolulu with manuscript "pr Yankee" ship endorsement at top, reverse with "Rec'd San Fran Octr 8/58 - Hellmann Bros. & Co.", Very Fine. Estimate $750 - 1,000.