Hawaii, 1849 (Dec.) Honolulu, Hawaii To Oswego, N.Y. Via San Francisco (1.1), buff cover from U.S. Consul Joel Turrill with "per Steamer" directive, entered the mails with "San Francisco, Cal/Jan 1 (1850)" datestamp and boxed "40" pre-statehood rate handstamp, Very Fine, the 18x13mm boxed "40" rate handstamp is recorded used from 2nd March to 9th May, 1850, this usage precedes the first reported usage by two months. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Hawaii, 1857 Honolulu, Hawaii To Huron, Ohio, red "Honolulu, Hawaiian-Islands, Oct 17" origin cds (236.11) on yellow cover with "San Francisco Cal. '12' Nov 5, 1857" transit cds; some edge flaws, F.-V.F. Estimate $300 - 400.

Hawaii, 1861 Honolulu, Hawaii To New London, Ct., red "Honolulu, Hawaiian - Islands, Sep 23" cds (243.03) on cover with manuscript "By Yankee" ship endorsement and "San Francisco, Cal., Oct 1861" cds, blue crayon "22" rate, Very Fine. Estimate $400 - 600.
Realized: $500

Hawaii, 1861 Honolulu, Hawaii To Pembroke, Me., red Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands cds (236.11) on cover bearing U.S. 1861, 12¢ black, cancelled by cogwheel fancy cancel, matching "San Francisco Cal. Apri 20, 1861" double-circle datestamp, endorsed "pr 'Young Haton' ", manuscript "Missent & Forwarded", cover tears, Fine. Scott No. 69 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $350

Hawaii, 1866 (May 4) Manchester, England To Honolulu, Hawaii, folded letter with red "Manchester 'Paid' 4 May '66" cds and bearing G.B. 1s green, horizontal pair, tied by "498" oval grid cancels, carried by Cunard Line Java from Liverpool May 5 to New York arriving May 16, docketed as received Jun. 30; file fold affects right 1s., otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $180

Hawaii, 1873 (May 8) Manchester, England To Honolulu, Hawaii, folded letter bearing G.B. 1s green tied by "Manchester May 8, 1873" duplex, red crayon "12" rating, carried by Cunard Line Java from Queenstown May 11 to New York arriving May 20, docketed as received Jun. 24; file fold affects 1s., erosion in endorsement underline, otherwise Very Fine. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $170

Hawaii, 1902 (Feb. 2) Waialua, Hawaii To Soerabaja, Java Via Hong Kong and Singapore, early territorial use bearing 1898, 1¢ and 2¢ bureaus, 1¢ s.e. at left, tied by Waialua duplex with "Oahu" barred oval, various transit backstamps including Hong Kong, Singapore and Soerabaja, Very Fine and scarce use. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $400