1862, Adams Express Company/Burnside Expedition, handsomely illustrated with team of horses pulling wagon of freight, on orange envelope franked with 3¢ rose, cancelled by double circle "New York May 12" (1862 docket) cds, target duplex alongside, to Westminster, Mass., cover very slightly reduced at right with edge faults, attractive Very Fine appearance. Scott No. 65 Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $230

1863 Battle of Winchester Letter Sheet, datelined "Fort Donelson, Jan 24 / 63", soldier's letter to his sister describing in great detail his sleeping quarters, thanking her for the cake she sent: "the Boys all say it is the best one they ever eat", Very Fine appearing. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $130

Blockade Squadron Cover, 1863, Union cover with straightline "U.S. Ship"cancel tying 3¢ rose,to Philadelphia, with Philadelphia Jun 20 1863 cds, "Off Charleston / June 14th 1863" endorsement; with letter datelined "U.S.S. Sodona"; interesting content including news of the capture of the British Brig Minnie; cover with tears at upper left and missing backflap, Fine and scarce. Estimate $200 - 300.
Realized: $240

Blockade Squadron Cover, 1864, Union cover with sraightline "U.S. Ship"cancel tying 3¢ rose (stamp with SE), corner return address "U.S.S. Acacia / off Charleston, S.C.", to Brooklyn, N.Y., with small "Phila, Pa. May 21, 1864" cds (first port of entry) & concentric circle target duplex alongside; repairs at bottom and left side, Fine appearing. Estimate $100 - 150.
Realized: $150

Blockade Squadron Covers, 1864, two examples, first with Terryville, Con. cds with interesting killer tying 3¢ rose, addressed to "U.S.Str. Acacia /Blockg. Squadron. Off Charleston, S. Carolina"; the other with partial double circle New York cds and fancy killer on 3¢ rose, addressed to "U.S.S. Canandaigua / Off Charleston S. Carolina", both covers neat & clean, very slightly reduced, F.-V.F. and attractive. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $180

Lot 2328
Camp Winfield Officers & French Attaches Carte-De-Visite, 1862 Brady photograph taken near Yorktown, Va. on May 1, 1862, with French observers Comte de Paris, Duc de Chartres & Prince de Joinville among various officers, with individuals identified on reverse, Very Fine.Estimate $200 - 300.
The French attaches to General McClellan posed for several photographs just three days before the siege of Yorktown, VA, officially ended. Confederate forces, under General Joseph E. Johnston, were routed after a full month of attack by McClellan's forces. The French observers, in American uniforms, enjoyed officer's privileges as official guests of the Army.
Realized: $200

Lot 2329
Circa 1880 Photo of Jefferson Shields, photo by J.L. McCown, he was famous "war cook" of the Army of Northern Virginia, born a slave at Lexington, Va., August 25, 1824, the property of a Mrs. Peggy Edmondson, became cook for his young master Lt James Edmondson of the 27th Virginia Regiment, Stonewall Brigade; known as "Uncle Jeff", was known to have cooked for Gen. Jackson and was a member of Jackson's colored Sunday School; in 1901 the "faithful old servant" was made a member of Stonewall Brigade Association and entitled to wear the badge and other insignia; mounted on black backing with bio attached to reverse; crease across the front of photo.Estimate $500 - 750.
Realized: $525

Sanitary Fair, Boston, Mass., 1864, 10¢ Green, wonderfully fresh with full, never hinged o.g., a marvelous, Extremely Fine example of this of this difficult die-cut issue. Scott No. WV3 $350 ++.
Realized: $525

Lot 2331
(Sanitary Fair) Brooklyn & Long Island Fair Season Ticket, black on green glazed ticket with "In Aid of U.S. Sanitary Commission below"; some soiling, F.-V.F., a rare fair ticket.Estimate $300 - 400.
Realized: $250

Sanitary Commission Related Group, 3 items; includes 2 circular usages with 2¢ Blackjacks, one a Union League of Ward Eleven corner card cover with enclosure, other a National Asylum circular, also a Cooper Shop Volunteer Refreshment Saloon receipt with illustrated red & blue flag, F.-V.F. Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $170