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Sale 52: The Westpex Sale

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Revenue - Narcotic Tax & Consular Service Fee

Lots 2236-2245 Lots 2246-2247

Lot 2246 o   

Narcotic Tax, 1970, $4 Green, Imperf, "E.L. & Co. 1-31-71" printed cancellation, Very Fine, an attractive used example of this key high value Narcotic Tax issue.
Scott No. RJA104a    $1,250.

Realized: $475

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Lot 2247

Consular Service Fee, 1906, 25¢ Dark Green, Perf 12, Three Pairs and Six Singles, in combination with Consular Service Fee, 1906, 50¢ carmine, perf 11 + 1925, $1 violet, pair + $2.50 blue on 1941 American Consulate in Cork, Ireland letter certifying passport fee issuance, manuscript canceled and tied by "American Consulate" straight line handstamps, Very Fine, a very rare Consular Fee issue usage; with 1997 P.F. certificate.
Scott No. RK1+RK15+RK34+RK36    $1,528 for off cover.

Realized: $750

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Lots 2236-2245 Lots 2246-2247

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