
1938, ½¢-$5 Presidential Complete, plate blocks of 4, o.g., never hinged, includes 1¢-3¢ booklet panes and additional plate blocks, Very Fine. Scott No. 803-834 $731+.
Realized: $190

1938, $1 Presidential, Imperf Horizontally, vertical pair with bottom sheet margin, o.g., never hinged, choice centering, rich colors, Extremely Fine, only 50 pairs reported including the unique plate block; with 1982 P.F. certificate for block & 2007 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 832a $1,500.
Realized: $1,050

1938, $5 Presidential, o.g., never hinged, bright, fresh and virtually perfectly centered with absolutely gigantic margins, a spectacular, Extremely Fine to Superb Jumbo; surely one of the largest examples extant. Scott No. 834 $85.
Realized: $210

1954, 2¢ Jefferson, Experimental Silkote Paper, right margin single, o.g., never hinged, beautifully centered amid well balanced margins, Extremely Fine to Superb; with 2005 P.S.E. Graded certificate (XF-Sup 95, SMQ $725). Scott No. 1033a $350.
Realized: $375


1954, 2¢ Jefferson, Experimental Silkote Paper, bottom left plate block of 4, o.g., never hinged, choice centering, fresh and pristine, Extremely Fine, as nice as they come; with 2007 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 1033a $2,250.
Realized: $1,250


1956, $5 Hamilton, top right plate block of 4, o.g., never hinged, exceptionally well centered, Extremely Fine and choice. Scott No. 1053 $240.
Realized: $90

Lot 2058 E
1960, 4¢ Jefferson Credo Essays, of four similar hand drawn essays on thick tracing paper in dark brown, red brown and white (259x218mm), similar to issued design with each showing slightly different hand & sword symbol, each signed "Frank V. Conley, Designer" at lower right, Very Fine, a unique and attractive unlisted hand-drawn composite essay (see #1140-E1 in Scott catalog, page 832).Scott No. 1141E Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.

Lot 2059 E
1960, 4¢ Jefferson Credo Essays, of four similar hand drawn essays on thick tracing paper in dark brown, red brown and white (approximately 130x105mm), similar to issued design with each showing slightly different hand & sword symbol, each signed "Frank V. Conley, Designer" at lower right, one with some creasing in paper not affecting design, Very Fine, a unique and attractive unlisted hand-drawn composite essay (see #1140-E1 in Scott catalog, page 832).Scott No. 1141E Estimate $2,000 - 3,000.

Lot 2060 E
1961, 4¢ Henry Credo Essays, of two similar hand drawn essays on thin tracing paper in dark blue, magenta and white (135x283mm), similar to issued design with each showing slightly different torch symbols and different Patrick Henry signature, each signed "Frank V. Conley, Designer" at lower right, Very Fine, a unique and attractive set of unlisted hand-drawn essays (see #1140-E1 in Scott catalog, page 832).Scott No. 1144E Estimate $1,000 - 1,500.
Realized: $525

1968, 6¢ Hemisfair '68, White Omitted, o.g., never hinged, with selvage at bottom, fresh and Extremely Fine, only 100 issued; with copy of 1999 A.P.S. certificate as strip of three. Scott No. 1340a $925.
Realized: $325