1893, 10¢ Columbian, o.g., never hinged, exceptional centering, bold color, Extremely Fine; with 2007 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 237 $300.
Realized: $220

1893, 15¢ Columbian, o.g., never hinged, very fresh with rich vivid color, Very Fine; with 2012 P.S.E. certificate. Scott No. 238 $700.

Lot 1785 o
1893, 15¢ Columbian, New York duplex cancel, precision centering amid well balanced margins, intensely rich color, Extremely Fine to Superb, a lovely gem used stamp; with 2012 P.S.E. Graded certificate (XF-Sup 95, SMQ $775).Scott No. 238 $83.
Realized: $575

1893, 30¢ Columbian, exceedingly well centered within extra large margins, bright vibrant color on fresh paper, o.g., barest trace of hinging, an Extremely Fine gem, a remarkable stamp; with 2010 P.S.E. certificate graded XF-Superb 95J. Scott No. 239 $240.
Realized: $575

1893, 50¢ Columbian, o.g., lightly hinged, attractively centered, rich color, Very Fine to Extremely Fine; with 2009 P.F. Graded certificate (VF-XF 85, SSV $625). Scott No. 240 $500.

1893, 50¢ Columbian, o.g., barest trace of hinge, bold color, very fresh, F.-V.F. Scott No. 240 $500.

Lot 1789 o
1893, 50¢ Columbian, light strike of town cancel, bold color and crisp impression, choice centering amid well balanced margins, Extremely Fine, a choice used stamp bearing a light unobtrusive cancellation; with 2011 P.S.E. Graded certificate (XF 90, SMQ $450).Scott No. 240 $200.
Realized: $350

Lot 1790 o
1893, $1 Columbian, duplex cancel, rich vibrant color, Very Fine; with 2012 P.F. Graded certificate (VF 80, SSV $650).Scott No. 241 $650.
Realized: $400

1893, $2 Columbian, nicely centered with bright color and paper, o.g., F.-V.F. and handsome; with 1976 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 242 $1,150.
Realized: $850

Lot 1792 o
1893, $2 Columbian, partial duplex cancel, rich color, light corner creases at top left, Very Fine appearance.Scott No. 242 $650.
Realized: $135