1861, 1¢ Blue, o.g., lightly hinged, strong bold color, well centered, fresh and Extremely Fine; with 1987 P.F. and 2012 P.S.E. certificates, the later Graded (XF 90, SMQ $775). Scott No. 63 $300.
Realized: $625

1861, 1¢ Pale Blue, o.g., virtually perfectly centered with lovely pastel color, fresh and Extremely Fine. Scott No. 63 var. $300.
Realized: $575

Lot 1622 o
1861, 3¢ Pigeon Blood Pink, beautiful distinctive color, neatly cancelled by Hartford Ct. Oct. 29 double-circle datestamp; reperfed at top, F.-V.F. appearance, a premium example with such post office fresh color; with 2003 P.S.E. certificate.Scott No. 64a $5,000.

1861, 3¢ Rose, choice centering with bright color and never hinged o.g.; a gorgeous, Extremely Fine gem; with 2008 P.S.E. certificate for block. Scott No. 65 $125 for hinged.
Realized: $675

1861, 3¢ Rose, left straddle-pane single showing complete centerline, o.g., never hinged, choice centering and extremely wide margins, Extremely Fine; with 2013 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 65 $125 for hinged.
Realized: $250


1861, 3¢ Rose, block of 4, o.g., never hinged, brilliant color and exceptionally fresh, natural gum crease in lower left and tiny corner crease in lower right stamps, otherwise Very Fine; with 2011 W. Weiss certificate. Scott No. 65 $700 for o.g.

Lot 1626 o
1861, 3¢ Rose, strong virtually complete strike of Devil & Pitchfork fancy cancel of West Meriden, Conn. an Extremely Fine strike, rarely found so complete on a stamp.Scott No. 65 Estimate $150 - 200.
Realized: $1,300

Lot 1627 o
1861, 5¢ Buff, red grid and small portion of black town cancels, strong color, small corner crease, Fine appearance.Scott No. 67 $1,000.
Realized: $200

1628 (
1861, 12¢ Black, without gum, attractively centered amid well balanced margins, deep color, fresh and Extremely Fine; with 2001 P.F. certificate. Scott No. 69 $725.
Realized: $600

Lot 1629 o
1862, 24¢ Red Lilac, red "Supplementary Mail" type A cancel, precision centering amid nicely balanced margins, gorgeous rich color, an Extremely Fine gem, a marvelous example of the 1862 24¢ Red Lilac with a complimentary red Supplementary Mail cancellation; with 2012 P.F. Graded certificate (XF 90 XQ).Scott No. 70 $350.