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Sale 51: United States Postal History

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General United States Postal History

Lots 2963-2972 Lots 2973-2982 Lots 2983-2986

Lot 2973    

Cover Balance, useful group of 8 items; includes Oregon townmarks from Salem, etc., War Dept use from Boise Barracks I.T., 1860's use from Laramie City, Wyo., couple C.S.A. covers including #4 pair on cover and turned cover; condition varies.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $140

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Lot 2974    

Cover Balance, 1851-1902, 26 covers and a couple ephemera items; 1851 issues including nice full margin #15 from Stockton, Cal., 1857 issues with better 1¢ types including nice #23 single usage (cat $1,150), #20 single and strip of 3 usages, 10¢ including types I, II & III single usages, 1869 Pictorials includes 15¢ paying registered fee on 3¢ entire, late Banknotes to foreign destinations, etc.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $500

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Lot 2975    

Cover Balance, 1858-1875, 10 items, including couple 12¢ entires, one with Wells, Fargo & Co. frank, cancelled without address; the other legal size with red Pacific Union Express frank, cancelled blue Wells, Fargo & Co, Stockton oval, to Stockton; strip of 4 3¢ 1869's, with fancy shield killers and Nebraska City, Neb. cds, with real estate agent printed corner card; couple "Merchants Union Express Company" illustrated cornercards; 1868 allover advertising for Steam Gang Mills at St. Paul, Minn; 1858 Nevada City, Cal. cds on 10¢ green Nesbitt to Massachusetts; plus couple locals on cover; better than average condition.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $190

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Lot 2976    

Cover Group, mix of 27 covers; includes 1866 cover turned and sent to Canada, Insured Mail Q-11 correctly used, 1870's registered from Matthews C.H., Va. (spelling error cds), 1860 usages including Western Union Telegraph, later ad cover including ethic with Gold Dust Washong Powder showing Black Twins in Tub, also a selection of 9 20th century pictorial cancel covers; inspect.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $450

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Lot 2977    

Covers, 1850's-1916, group of 38 items, mostly imperf & perf 3¢ dull red, a few 3¢ rose and later, a few manuscript or pen cancelled, mostly Pennsylvania towns, mixed condition, some attractive stamps, generally Fine or better.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $170

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Lot 2978    

Postal History Balance, cover album with interesting balance, including "½¢ Paid Santa Rosa" Provisional on 1¢ entire; "2" surcharge on 3¢ purple entire; 1898 & WWI patriotics; several postal card varieties; illustrated adv on 3¢ green 1876 Centennial entire; 1926 Chicago-Dallas FF; mint C1-C3 nicely centered; etc;.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $250

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Lot 2979    

Selection of U.S. Covers, group of 45 covers, most legal size, many from government offices such as Treasury, War, Commissary General / Prison, Surgeon General, Adjutnt General, Commissioner General / Prisons, P.O. Dept, Interior, Quartermaster, 3rd Auditor / Horse Claims, etc; some with Official franking, some free, many different auxiliary markings, a few express such as Wells Fargo from Bodie Cal to Nevada; Dead Letter Office, Unclaimed, Return to Writer, Not Found, Not Called For, and much more; some interesting frankings including 2¢ 1869 usages; mixed condition, please inspect.
Estimate    $500 - 750.

Realized: $650

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Lot 2980    

U.S. Cover Balance, 1847-1906, consignment balance, including #1 on FL to Providence; couple #71 on two covers to France; another with two 10¢ Bank Notes on 1874 usage with La Port cds to Oroville; c.1880 on turned billboard advertising cover to Germany; 1906 5¢ Lincoln to France with 50 centimes postage due.
Estimate    $300 - 400.

Realized: $325

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Lot 2981    

U.S. Covers, 1840-1900, nearly 1500 items, from a few stampless onward through Bank Note's and Bureau issues, some better towns & cancels, few interesting cornercards, needs close examination by the knowledgeable enthusiast, please inspect.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Realized: $550

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Lot 2982    

U.S. Covers, 1857-1872, eclectic selection of 3 items, including #7 with jumbo margins & year & date in s.o.n. cancel; #100 on 1865 mourning cover to Geneva; another on faulty cover to Switzerland; F-VF condition except for faulty #100 cover, F.-V.F.
Estimate    $150 - 200.

Current Opening Bid: $70

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Lots 2963-2972 Lots 2973-2982 Lots 2983-2986

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